Rise of the Golden Idol Walkthrough

Rise of the Golden Idol is the latest addition to the acclaimed detective saga that gives you the task of unraveling heinous criminal mysteries and filling in the blanks to solve them. If you need help putting the pieces together in some of these cases, our Rise of the Golden Idol walkthrough will take you through them step by step.
Rise of the Golden Idol Walkthrough – Prologue
Constriction – A Murderous Way Out
The game begins with the scene of the first crime playing out, which involves a patient strangling a security guard at a mental asylum. After a brief tutorial, it’s up to the player to solve the mystery of what exactly occurred, including who was involved and what crime was committed.
Use all of the words you uncovered to fill in the blanks. Pay attention to how each group of words is color-coded, and use them to fill the corresponding colored blanks. The fill-in menu will flash green and say ‘Everything is correct!’ once you’ve succeeded.
- First, solve the full names (first and last) of the murderer and the victim by using the following words, top to bottom:
- Victim: Morg (top), Brakka (bottom)
- Murderer: Oriel (top), Toussaint (bottom)
- Now solve the murder act itself using the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- The professor, Oriel Toussaint, killed Morg Brakka with a strap from a straitjacket in the Red Wood asylum.
- Hit ‘Continue’
Rise of the Golden Idol Walkthrough – Chapter 1 The Curse
Academic Impact – The Death of a Brilliant Mind
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 21 ‘Spots’ for evidence and gather all 22 Words to help you solve the mystery.
- Solve the full names of the two witnesses and the victim by using the following words, top to bottom:
- Male Witness: Cyril (top), Bagman (bottom)
- Female Witness: Debra (top), Bagman (bottom)
- Victim: Isaac (top), Nowak (bottom)
- Next, click on ‘Events’ to solve the mystery itself using the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- Cyril Bagman and Debra Bagman discovered the body of Isaac Nowak, which was there because he fell from the bridge.
- Hit ‘Continue’
- Click on the sparkling poster on the top left of the screen to see your current progress for the chapter.
- Select the top TV screen (with the female reporter) to start the next case.
Under Construction – A Brutal Blue-Collar Departure
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 21 Spots for evidence and gather all 32 Words to help you solve the mystery.
- Solve the full names of the four construction workers, the two inspectors, the female reporter, and the corpse in the sewer pipe by using the following words, top to bottom:
- Construction Worker 1: Joel (top), Gregson (bottom)
- Construction Worker 2: Ted (top), Werter (bottom)
- Construction Worker 3: Monty (top), Totsky (bottom)
- Construction Worker 4: Bill (top), Jenkins (bottom)
- Inspector 1: Roy (top), Samson (bottom)
- Inspector 2: Ian (top), Worth (bottom)
- Female Reporter: Miranda (top), Meadows (Bottom)
- Sewer Corpse: Luke (top), Brown (bottom)
- Next, click on ‘Events’ to solve the mystery itself using the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- Monty Totsky used the demolisher on the sewage pipe. This resulted in the death of Joel Gregson. Following this, the body of Luke Brown was found unexpectedly.
- Hit ‘Continue
- Click on the sparkling paper airplane on the table to view your chapter progress
- Select the right TV screen (the man in sunglasses) to start the next case
Newsflash – The Sudden Announcement of a Sinister Cult
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 22 Spots for evidence and gather all 47 Words to help you solve the mystery.
- Make sure to check the two open windows on the building that can be interacted with. These take you to two different rooms with more Spots to check.
- Click on ‘Names’ to solve the full names of the two inspectors, the police commissioner, and relatives of the victim by using the following words, top to bottom:
- Inspector 1: Roy (top), Samson (bottom)
- Inspector 2: Ian (top), Worth (bottom)
- Police Commissioner: Sebastian (top), Walsh (bottom)
- Relative 1: Elizabeth (top), Nowak (bottom)
- Relative 2: Jack (top), Nowak (bottom)
- Next, click on ‘Conference’ to fill in those blanks with the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- During the conference, Sebastian Walsh claimed:
1. The case Beetle 4 was a tragic accident.
2. The case Cougar 9 has a strong drug connection.
- During the conference, Sebastian Walsh claimed:
- Next, click on ‘Victim’ to fill in those blanks with the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- This is a picture of Isaac Nowak, from the case Beetle 4. His body lies on Table B. His death is linked to the Red Curse.
- Next, click on ‘Events’ to fill in those blanks with the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- New Wells Police scheduled a press conference to announce that Isaac Nowak had been a victim of the Red Curse.
Before the conference, Elizabeth Nowak offered Sebastian Walsh a board position and a computer.
As a result, during the conference, Sebastian Walsh declared that Isaac Nowak had been the victim of a tragic accident.
- New Wells Police scheduled a press conference to announce that Isaac Nowak had been a victim of the Red Curse.
- Click ‘Continue’
- Click on the sparkling flask of red liquid
- Click on the sparkling coat hook
Chapter 1 Conclusion
- To finish the case, you need to fill in all of the blanks for all of the events you’ve investigated thus far, which are now pieced together as a timeline. Use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- During a construction yard accident, the body of Luke Brown was found in a sewage pipe, afflicted by a strange condition that police named the Red Curse.
A few months later, the famous scientist Isaac Nowak was discovered dead by the Bagman couple.
After being contacted by someone, Elizabeth Nowak worried that everyone would think Isaac Nowak had been a drug user.
A few days later, Elizabeth Nowak offered to fund Brandon Bagman‘s tuition, in exchange for confidentiality about the fact that Isaac Nowak had been affected by the Red Curse.
Hours before the conference, Sebastian Walsh was offered a similar deal and took it.
However, the laboratory investigation found zero evidence that either Red Curse victim had been a drug user.
- During a construction yard accident, the body of Luke Brown was found in a sewage pipe, afflicted by a strange condition that police named the Red Curse.
- Click on the sparkling ‘Story II’ icon at the bottom
- Use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- Shortly before his death, Isaac Nowak went to meet someone at the Steelside warehouse.
A few days later, someone connected to the Steelside warehouse provoked Elizabeth Nowak into bribing Sebastian Walsh who stopped the investigation into Isaac Nowak’s death.
- Shortly before his death, Isaac Nowak went to meet someone at the Steelside warehouse.
- Hit ‘Continue’
Rise of the Golden Idol Walkthrough – Chapter 2 The Pursuit
Garden Retreat – The Zen Center Rendezvous
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 22 Spots for evidence and gather all 47 Words to help you solve the mystery.
- Make sure to click the arrow on the right side of the screen to check the building for more Spots (seen above).
- Click on ‘Overview’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- The events that took place at the Harmony Foundation on August 17, 1974 resulted in someone’s death.
- Click on ‘Events’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- ‘Colleague’ visited ‘Historian’ to exchange an artifact for money.
During the meeting, ‘Colleague’ suddenly tried to rob ‘Historian’.
In response, ‘Historian’ sprayed ‘Colleague’ with hair spray and pulled a rug.
As a result, ‘Colleague’ fell and hit a rock.
- ‘Colleague’ visited ‘Historian’ to exchange an artifact for money.
- Hit ‘Continue’
- Click the sparkling book on the table to see your chapter progress
- Select the top left TV screen to start the next case
Behind Bars – An Alarming Incident at Sternwell Prison
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 50 Spots for evidence and gather all 43 Words to help you solve the mystery.
- Make sure to click the down arrow at the bottom of the screen to examine the outdoor area of the prison for the rest of the exclamation Spots (seen above).
- Click on ‘Cells’ and put the prisoners in the correct order according to their cell spots (seen above).
- Click on ‘Names’ to solve the full names of the three officers, the four prisoners, and the maintenance worker by using the following words, top to bottom:
- Officer 1: Patrick (top), Kendal (bottom)
- Officer 2: Percy (top), Sainsbury (bottom)
- Prisoner 1: Jimmy (top), Beswick (bottom)
- Prisoner 2: Robert (top), Pakenham (bottom)
- Prisoner 3: Jason (top), Kempton (bottom)
- Prisoner 4: Daniel (top), Utley (bottom)
- Officer 3: Jeremy (top), Smith (bottom)
- Maintenance Worker: Henry (top), Wakefield (bottom)
- Click on ‘Message’ and use the following words and numbers in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- The secret message was encoded with: 281973
- and could be decoded as: inside, flower, book, spine, equals, saw
- Click on ‘Events’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- Arthur Blythe, who was in prison for murder, got out of his cell through a window, using a sawblade he got from Steven Aria.
He entered the yard via a drainpipe, and breached the fence using wirecutters he got from Percy Sainsbury.
Finally, he climbed over the wall by attaching sheets, which he got from Jimmy Beswick, to the bars from his window.
- Arthur Blythe, who was in prison for murder, got out of his cell through a window, using a sawblade he got from Steven Aria.
- Hit ‘Continue’
- Click on the sparkling picture frame to see your chapter progress
- Select the top right TV Screen
Blockbuster Release – An Immersive Experience at the Drive-in
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 62 Spots for evidence and gather all 57 Words to help you solve the mystery.
- Make sure to click the arrow on the right side near the movie screen to examine the other side of the drive-in theater.
- Click on ‘Names’ to solve the full names of the theater attendees by using the following words, top to bottom:
- Attendee 1: Andy (top), Lemmons (bottom)
- Attendee 2: Doug (top), Baxter (bottom)
- Attendee 3: Beck (top), Mason (bottom)
- Attendee 4: Mike (top), Lendl (bottom)
- Attendee 5: Jenny (top), Chen (bottom)
- Attendee 6: Champ (top), Vincent (bottom)
- Attendee 7: Augie (top), Tamine (bottom)
- Attendee 8: Annie (top), Kishimoto (bottom)
- Attendee 9: Laura (top), Parker (bottom)
- Attendee 10: Tom (top), Powers (bottom)
- Attendee 11: Sarah (top), Cunningham (bottom)
- Click on ‘Costumes’ and place the correct names with the correct costumes by using the following words (left to right):
- Transom, Porbo, Marini, Bertrand
- Click on ‘Dispute’ and use the correct words to fill in the blanks in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- The bet between Mike and Jenny.
Tonight, we will see Bertrand lose his head.
- The bet between Mike and Jenny.
- Click on ‘Events I’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- Sarah Cunningham, owner of the Neptune cinema, had been using a red crystal to enhance the projector. A weird lady sent Augie Tamine to buy it, but he was banned from the cinema.
Augie Tamine arrived in costume and stole the crystal, disguising it as a tooth.
- Sarah Cunningham, owner of the Neptune cinema, had been using a red crystal to enhance the projector. A weird lady sent Augie Tamine to buy it, but he was banned from the cinema.
- Click on ‘Events II’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- In order to win a bet, Jenny Chen pulled the head off Doug Baxter’s costume. This started a fire, so patrons tried to escape.
Hearing the commotion, Sarah Cunningham looked out, saw the screen, and realized somebody must have taken the crystal. She then caused a car crash while attempting to block the exit.
- In order to win a bet, Jenny Chen pulled the head off Doug Baxter’s costume. This started a fire, so patrons tried to escape.
- Hit ‘Continue’
- Click on the sparkling tape recorder to view your chapter progress
- Select the bottom left TV screen
Going Once! – A Shocking Murder at the Auction House
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 59 Spots for evidence and gather all 39 Words to help you solve the mystery.
- Make sure to click the arrow at the top of the screen to examine the attic area of the auction house. Also, click the clocks on the top right corner of the screen to examine both areas during different times.
- Click on ‘Names’ to solve the full names of the auction attendees, the auctioneer, and the security guard, by using the following words, top to bottom:
- Attendee 1: Oriel (top), Touissant (bottom)
- Attendee 2: Tesa (top), Nevari (bottom)
- Attendee 3: Summer (top), Knightly (bottom)
- Attendee 4: Aurelia (top), Winston (bottom)
- Attendee 5: Moumaati (top), Dasilva (bottom)
- Auctioneer: Nils (top), Wilmington (bottom)
- Auctioneer 2: Robbie (top), Froberg (bottom)
- Security Guard: Erwin (top), Bogart (bottom)
- Click on ‘Lots’ and use the following words to solve all of the completed auctions in the exact order:
- Lot 1: seal (item), Lemuria (origin), Aurelia Winston (buyer)
- Lot 2: creature (item), Lanka (origin), Summer Knightly (buyer)
- Lot 3: mask (item), Albion (origin), Summer Knightly (buyer)
- Lot 4: statue (item), Lemuria (origin), Moumaati Dasilva (buyer)
- Lot 5: totem (item), Adria (origin), Aurelia Winston (buyer)
- Click on ‘Events’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- At the Seven Seas Auction, Tesa Nevari was outbid by Moumaati Dasilva for the statue from Lemuria, and so decided to steal it instead.
Tesa Nevari distracted Erwin Bogart while Robbie Froberg stole their keys.
Nils Wilmington discovered Robbie Froberg stealing the statue upstairs, and a fight ensued.
Robbie Froberg pushed Nils Wilmington into a circuit box with a cane, causing instant death.
- At the Seven Seas Auction, Tesa Nevari was outbid by Moumaati Dasilva for the statue from Lemuria, and so decided to steal it instead.
- Hit ‘Continue’
Chapter 2 Conclusion
- Click on the sparkling telephone, then click on ‘Corkboard’ at the bottom to match all of the photos with the correct names. Once complete, your results should resemble ours above.
- Click on ‘Story’ and fill in the blanks with the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded). Also keep the Corkboard open to use the names:
- Tesa Nevari wanted to reassemble the mythical Golden Idol of Lazarus Herst from its parts.
Tesa Nevari arranged Arther Blythe‘s prison escape, because he knew the locations of the parts.
Tesa Nevari and Arthur Blythe worked together to steal all 8 parts.
For the final one, at the auction, Arthur Blythe resorted to murder.
In the end, Arthur Blythe tried to steal the parts from Tesa Nevari, which resulted in Arthur Blythe‘s death.
- Tesa Nevari wanted to reassemble the mythical Golden Idol of Lazarus Herst from its parts.
- Hit ‘Continue’
Rise of the Golden Idol Walkthrough – Chapter 3 The Machine
Ignition – A Dangerous Technology is Unleashed
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 39 Spots for evidence and gather all 35 Words to help you solve the mystery.
- Make sure to click the arrow above the open door to examine the other room.
- Click on ‘Prints’ and fill in the correct names under each fingerprint photo in the exact order:
- Print 1: Oriel (top), Toussaint (bottom)
- Print 2: Marie (top), Westlake (bottom)
- Print 3: Nathan (top), Hoyle (bottom)
- Print 4: Tim (top), Spender (bottom)
- Print 5: Jack (top), Nowak (bottom)
- Print 6: Eugene (top), Marmot (bottom)
- Click on ‘Controls’ and match the correct character portraits with the fingerprints, as seen above.
- Click on ‘Names’ to solve the full names of the department faculty by using the following words in the exact order, top to bottom:
- Faculty 1: Oriel (top), Toussaint (bottom)
- Faculty 2: Nathan (top), Hoyle (bottom)
- Faculty 3: Jack (top), Nowak (bottom)
- Faculty 4: Eugene (top), Marmot (bottom)
- Faculty 5: Tim (top), Spender (bottom)
- Faculty 6: Marie (top), Westlake (bottom)
- Click on ‘Events’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- Marie Westlake‘s team worked to reconstruct the device. After performing tests without approval, Eugene Marmot had his access card revoked.
On the day of the board inspection, the lab was unlocked to allow Tim Spender and Nathan Hoyle to enter. This gave Eugene Marmot the opportunity to follow them in.
When Eugene Marmot used both hands to touch the controls of the device, it activated and he caught fire.
- Marie Westlake‘s team worked to reconstruct the device. After performing tests without approval, Eugene Marmot had his access card revoked.
- Hit ‘Continue’
- Click on the sparkling baseball cap to view your chapter progress
- Select the bottom left TV screen
Protest Movement – A Hippie Circle Refuses to Roll Over
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 36 Spots for evidence and gather all 42 Words to help you solve the mystery.
- Make sure to click the arrow at the top of the screen to examine the other area.
- Click on ‘Names’ to solve the full names by using the following words in the exact order, top to bottom:
- Person 1: Corbyn (top), Shaw (bottom)
- Person 2: Tobias (top), Amstel (bottom)
- Person 3: Odetta (top), Amstel (bottom)
- Person 4: Jeffrey (top), Amstel (bottom)
- Person 5: Penny (top), Coolidge (bottom)
- Person 6: Eugene (top), Marmot (bottom)
- Person 7: Jack (top), Nowak (bottom)
- Person 8: Andi (top), Shaw (bottom)
- Click on ‘Path’ and use the photos to determine the correct path of the object, until you reach the result shown above.
- Click on ‘Events’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- A group of protestors gathered outside the OPIG laboratory, upset about the closure of the Harmony Foundation.
During the protest, Andi Shaw attempted to steal a birdbath. When she accidentally broke it, a block of ice came loose, rolled down the hill, and hit Tobias Amstel‘s barbecue, causing it to fall over and injure him.
- A group of protestors gathered outside the OPIG laboratory, upset about the closure of the Harmony Foundation.
- Hit ‘Continue’
- Click on the family photo to view your chapter progress
- Select the top TV screen to go to the next case
The Procedure – A Bizarre Operation Ends in Bloodshed
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 44 Spots for evidence and gather all 44 Words to help you solve the mystery.
- Make sure to click the arrow on the left side of the screen by the open door to examine the second area of the case.
- Click on ‘Names’ to solve the full names by using the following words in the exact order, top to bottom:
- Person 1: Tesa (top), Nevari (bottom)
- Person 2: Tim (top), Spender (bottom)
- Person 3: Marie (top), Westlake (bottom)
- Person 4: Sam (top), Robinson (bottom)
- Person 5: Bruce (top), Myson (bottom)
- Person 6: Billy (top), Greer (bottom)
- Person 7: Alex (top), Remington (bottom)
- Person 8: Charlie (top), Hall (bottom)
- Click on ‘Events’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- Tesa Nevari and some of her dedicants were at the Harmony Foundation for a procedure.
The aim was to first eliminate hatred and then replenish empathy, resulting in enlightenment.
However, they were interrupted by people who wanted to seize everything at the Harmony Foundation.
In the large room downstairs, Bruce Myson grabbed Sam Robinson.
In response, Alex Remington stabbed Bruce Myson with a crystal.
Because of this, Billy Greer shot Alex Remington with a Taser.
- Tesa Nevari and some of her dedicants were at the Harmony Foundation for a procedure.
- Click on ‘Hierarchy’ and place the character photos in the correct places on the OPIG chart. Your results should reflect ours shown above.
- Click on ‘Symbols’ and use the following words in top-to-bottom order to indicate what the symbols mean in Tesa’s mind: eliminate, replenish, hatred, empathy
- Click on ‘Motive’ and use the three correct photos to reveal Alex’s motive. Your results should reflect ours shown above.
- Hit ‘Continue’
Chapter 3 Conclusion
- Click on ‘Story I’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- With funding from the OPIG Corporation, Tesa Nevari ran the Harmony Foundation. They used stolen parts to build an artifact, believing it could take hatred and then give empathy, and, in doing so, would help people reach enlightenment. However, it actually did nothing.
Due to Tesa Nevari‘s overspending, the Harmony Foundation building was repossessed.
Oriel Toussaint realized the artifact might work if it were rebuilt. Marie Westlake was in charge of its reconstruction but delayed testing. Despite this, Eugene Marmot activated the new device, so was denied lab access.
- With funding from the OPIG Corporation, Tesa Nevari ran the Harmony Foundation. They used stolen parts to build an artifact, believing it could take hatred and then give empathy, and, in doing so, would help people reach enlightenment. However, it actually did nothing.
- Click on ‘Story II’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- After learning about the Harmony Foundation, Eugene Marmot believed he had been punished because the rebuilt artifact had been set to give hatred. However, it was actually set to take heat, which froze a birdbath.
During a board inspection, Eugene Marmot tried to set it to take hatred, but actually set it to give heat, which started a fire.
Nathan Hoyle was impressed by Eugene Marmot‘s discovery and rewarded him with a promotion.
- After learning about the Harmony Foundation, Eugene Marmot believed he had been punished because the rebuilt artifact had been set to give hatred. However, it was actually set to take heat, which froze a birdbath.
- Hit ‘Continue’
Rise of the Golden Idol Walkthrough – Chapter 4 The Trials
Feathered Frenzy – A Deadly Attack at the Aviary
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 35 Spots for evidence and gather all 35 Words to help you solve the mystery.
- Make sure to click the arrow by the aviary cage barrier to examine the nearby administration building.
- Click on ‘Triggers’ and match the correct bird photos to what agitated them to attack. Your results should reflect ours shown above.
- Click on ‘Names’ to solve the full names by using the following words in the exact order, top to bottom:
- Bird 1: The Masked (top), Grouse (bottom)
- Bird 2: The Red-Breasted (top), Heron (bottom)
- Bird 3: The Bleary-Eyed (top), Flower-Piercer (bottom)
- Bird 4: The Deathrattle (top), Lory (bottom)
- Bird 5: Nythalic’s (top), Herald (bottom)
- Dead Aviary Keeper: Declan (top), Astor (bottom)
- Aviary Keeper 1: Crystal (top), Moore (bottom)
- Aviary Keeper 2: Marcie (top), Palmer (bottom)
- Click on ‘Events’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- At the aviary, Marcie Palmer cried when she discovered that a hatchling had overheated in the incubation station.
Meanwhile, Declan Astor entered the aviary, where his bracelet was stolen by The Bleary-Eyed Flower-Piercer. Following this encounter, Declan Astor went to feed The Masked Grouse, and stepped on the eggs hidden in the bush.
In retaliation, The Masked Grouse attacked Declan Astor, killing him. His last screams were mimicked by The Deathrattle Lory, which agitated Nythalic’s Herald, which then attacked Crystal Moore.
- At the aviary, Marcie Palmer cried when she discovered that a hatchling had overheated in the incubation station.
- Hit ‘Continue’
- Click on the sparkling tape player to view your chapter progress
- Select the bottom left TV screen
Backstage Drama – Pandemonium at the Stardust Variety Hour
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 24 Spots for evidence and gather all 45 Words to help you solve the mystery.
- Click on ‘Rankings’ and place the acts in the following correct spots:
- 1st: The Burpist
- 2nd: The Ventriloquist
- 3rd: The Juggler
- 4th: The Ballerina
- 5th: The Musician
- 6th: The Magician
- Click on ‘Names’ to solve the full names by using the following words in the exact order, top to bottom:
- Person 1: Regina (top), Littlemore (bottom)
- Person 2: Dante (top), Longo (bottom)
- Person 3: Jamey (top), Albright (bottom)
- Person 4: Atharv (top), Reddy (bottom)
- Person 5: Vilmar (top), Prado (bottom)
- Person 6: Cameron (top), Flake (bottom)
- Person 7: Nola (top), Rockow (bottom)
- Person 8: Mitchell (top), Burgin (bottom)
- Click on ‘Events’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- At the talent show, Cameron Flake sabotaged the act of a previous winner, Regina Littlemore, by scratching a record using Mr. Vlad.
Meanwhile, Vilmar Prado released Lily Belle from the cage to sabotage Nola Rockow‘s act. In retaliation, Nola Rockow poured a soda into the trumpet.
After the broadcast, Regina Littlemore attacked Dante Longo, believing the show had been rigged.
- At the talent show, Cameron Flake sabotaged the act of a previous winner, Regina Littlemore, by scratching a record using Mr. Vlad.
- Hit ‘Continue’
- Click on the sparkling clock to view your chapter progress
- Select the top right TV screen
Speildance – Atharv’s Winning Act
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 7 Spots for evidence and gather all 27 Words to help you solve the mystery.
- Click ‘Events’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- Moumaati Dasilva was shocked to see Atharv Reddy performing an ancient Lemurian Speildance. The dance translated to knowledge opens forbidden doors. Beware evil fools who steal keys.
- Hit ‘Continue’
- Click on the sparkling set of tomes to view your chapter progress
- Select the bottom right TV screen
Complex – A High-Rise Tragedy
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 48 Spots for evidence and gather all 39 Words to help you solve the mystery.
- Click on ‘Photos’ and use the correct words to describe each of the strange photos (the fill-ins are bolded):
- Left Photo: This photo was taken by Kenneth Ozola on Saturday.
- Right Photo: This photo of Cheyenne Bird was taken by Sonny Sawyer on Tuesday.
- Click on ‘Names’ to solve the full names by using the following words in the exact order, top to bottom:
- Person 1: Sonny (top), Sawyer (bottom)
- Person 2: Lavona (top), Colms (bottom)
- Person 3: Sabrina (top), Knox (bottom)
- Person 4: Issa (top), Nakana (bottom)
- Person 5: Constance (top), Winthrop (bottom)
- Person 6: Patience (top), Winthrop (bottom)
- Person 7: Kenneth (top), Ozola (bottom)
- Person 8: Cheyenne (top), Bird (bottom)
- Person 9: Bo (top), Steensen (bottom)
- Person 10: Spencer (top), Wright (bottom)
- Person 11: Jane (top), Knox (bottom)
- Person 12: Kai (top), Nakana (bottom)
- Person 13: Earnest (top), Winthrop (bottom)
- Click on ‘Residents’ and match the character photos with the correct apartment units. Your results should reflect ours shown above.
- Click on ‘Events’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- On Saturday at a picnic, Kenneth Ozola threatened to kill Sonny Sawyer.
However, on Monday, Sonny Sawyer forgot the threat, after attending a research study. Lavona Colms also attended and received the former’s memories.
On Tuesday morning, Sonny Sawyer took a photo of Cheyenne Bird, which provoked Kenneth Ozola into shooting Sonny Sawyer, for the good of everyone in the building.
- On Saturday at a picnic, Kenneth Ozola threatened to kill Sonny Sawyer.
- Hit ‘Continue’
Chapter 4 Conclusion
- Click on the sparkling file folder to bring up both the Symbols and Transfers puzzles, which you need to complete to finish the chapter.
- First, match the correct words with the correct symbols. Your results should reflect ours shown above, and should be the following, top to bottom:
- 1 day
- 1 minute
- 1 month
- 3 days
- give
- take
- memories
- Now click ‘Transfers’ and match the correct words and character/item photos in each row. Your results should reflect ours shown above.
- Hit ‘Continue’
Rise of the Golden Idol Walkthrough – Chapter 5 The Pinnacle
Beach Trip – A Seaside Photo Shoot Goes Horribly Wrong
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 44 Spots for evidence and gather all 41 Words to help you solve the mystery.
- Make sure to click on the arrow on the yellow van to examine the second area in the interior.
- Click on ‘Photos’ and use the following correct names (top to bottom) to identify the three women in both photos:
- Left Woman: Amy (top), Wood (bottom)
- Middle Woman: Jennifer (top), Gibson (bottom)
- Right Woman: Eve (top), Robertson (bottom)
- Repeat these names in the opposite order for the bottom photo
- Click ‘Names’ to solve the full names by using the following words in the exact order, top to bottom. Also consult the ‘Photos’ menu for the models’ names:
- Person 1: Eve (top), Robertson (bottom)
- Person 2: Jennifer (top), Gibson (bottom)
- Person 3: Eugene (top), Marmot (bottom)
- Person 4: Jack (top), Nowak (bottom)
- Person 5: Marie (top), Westlake (bottom)
- Person 6: Darius (top), King (bottom)
- Person 7: Amy (top), Wood (bottom)
- Person 8: Ellis (top), Simpson (bottom)
- Person 9: Ridley (top), Cano (bottom)
- Person 10: Sandra (top), Harper (bottom)
- Click on ‘Bags’ and fill in the following correct names (top to bottom) with the correct bags:
- Blue Bag: Sandra (top), Harper (bottom)
- Red Bag: Eve (top), Robertson (bottom)
- Green Bag: Jennifer (top), Gibson (bottom)
- Briefcase: Eugene (top), Marmot (bottom)
- Brown Bag: Amy (top), Wood (bottom)
- Click on ‘Events’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- Eugene Marmot hired Sandra Harper to provide models for an O-Range commercial.
Before the shoot Sandra Harper secretly added Euphoria to the O-Range, to make the models happy.
This worked, so Jack Nowak aimed the I.D.O.L. at the models to take their happy memories.
But Amy Wood‘s allergy created an emergency, so the organizers had to call for medics.
- Eugene Marmot hired Sandra Harper to provide models for an O-Range commercial.
- Hit ‘Continue’
- Click the sparkling control machine to via your chapter progress
Boardroom Brawl – A Fight Breaks Out at OPIG HQ
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 28 Spots for evidence and gather all 51 Words to help you solve the mystery.
- Make sure to click on the arrow in the top right corner of the screen to examine the second area.
- Click on ‘Names’ to solve the full names by using the following words in the exact order, top to bottom:
- Person 1: Jasmine (top), Patel (bottom)
- Person 2: Annette (top), Spender (bottom)
- Person 3: Nathan (top), Hoyle (bottom)
- Person 4: Jeremy (top), Drake (bottom)
- Person 5: Tim (top), Spender (bottom)
- Person 6: Marie (top), Westlake (bottom)
- Person 7: Eugene (top), Marmot (bottom)
- Person 8: Jack (top), Nowak (bottom)
- Person 9: Tesa (top), Nevari (bottom)
- Person 10: Tristan (top), Dreyfuss (bottom)
- Click on ‘Events I’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- At OPIG’s laboratory in New Wells, the team held a demonstration to show that the I.D.O.L. could take and give memory.
The I.D.O.L. was used to take 1 day‘s worth of memory from Tim Spender and then give it to Eugene Marmot.
- At OPIG’s laboratory in New Wells, the team held a demonstration to show that the I.D.O.L. could take and give memory.
- Click on ‘Events II’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- This included a memory of Tim Spender and Jasmine Patel at the Love Motel.
At the company’s headquarters in Bay Haven, the board received this memory via a live broadcast, prompting Annette Spender to attack Jasmine Patel.
- This included a memory of Tim Spender and Jasmine Patel at the Love Motel.
- Hit ‘Continue’
- Click on the sparkling drone to view your chapter progress
- Select the bottom left TV screen
Ancient Artifacts – A Violent Display at the Museum of Lemurian History
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 28 Spots for evidence and gather all 47 Words to help you solve the mystery.
- Click on ‘Events I’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- At the museum, Jack Nowak first used the I.D.O.L. to take 1 month‘s worth of Echo Secunda’s memories from the disk and give them to Oriel Toussaint.
But Oriel Toussaint wanted more, so Jack Nowak used all the lenses together.
Jack Nowak thought this would add the effects of the lenses together. Instead, it caused the effects to multiply.
- At the museum, Jack Nowak first used the I.D.O.L. to take 1 month‘s worth of Echo Secunda’s memories from the disk and give them to Oriel Toussaint.
- Click on ‘Drawings’ and use the correct words in the following order to describe the two groups of ancient drawings (the fill-ins are bolded):
- Drawing Group 1: First, Ock takes all memories from Deer and gives them to a disk.
- Drawing Group 2: Next, Ock takes all memories from the disk and gives them to Crow. As a result, Crow becomes Deer.
- Click on ‘Events II’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- Immediately afterwards, Echo Secunda grabbed a vaporon, which alerted Rowan Doyle.
When the vaporon failed to work, Echo Secunda threw a spear at Rowan Doyle, and then fled.
- Immediately afterwards, Echo Secunda grabbed a vaporon, which alerted Rowan Doyle.
- Hit ‘Continue’
- Click on the sparkling wolf statue to view your chapter progress
- Select the bottom right TV screen
Steelside Warehouse – Dark Experiments at the Docks
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 55 Spots for evidence and gather all 57 Words to help you solve the mystery.
- Make sure to click the arrow on the open warehouse door to examine the second area, and the arrow on the boat to examine the third and fourth areas.
- Click on ‘Dwellings’ and order all four dwellings from best to worst. Your results should reflect ours seen above.
- Click on ‘Timeline’ and list the homeless people in the correct order (oldest to newest) with their full names, top to bottom:
- Arrival 1: Scrawny (top), Marvin (bottom)
- Arrival 2: Harry (top), Stone (bottom)
- Arrival 3: Dirty (top), William (bottom)
- Arrival 4: Luke (top), Brown (bottom)
- Arrival 5: Orion (top), Sky (bottom)
- Arrival 6: Funny (top), Phil (bottom)
- Click on ‘Residents’ and arrange the correct character photos and names with their dwellings, in order from top to bottom. Your results should reflect ours shown above.
- Click on ‘Game’ and fill in the following correct names with each character profile, from top to bottom:
- Person 1: Tucker Hatz answered as Brock Sterling
- Person 2: Brock Sterling answered as Olivia Girard
- Person 3: Arabella Fairchild answered as Tucker Hatz
- Person 4: Cordelia Prescott answered as Gabriel Girard
- Person 5: Olivia Girard answered as Arabella Fairchild
- Click on ‘Summer’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- Hunter Wolf secretly experimented in the Steelside warehouse.
In June, when Elijah Sinclair appeared and caused trouble, Hunter Wolf used the I.D.O.L. on Luke Brown to take all memories, and then on Elijah Sinclair to give all memories.
As a result, Luke Brown got a new body and became Hunter Wolf’s assistant.
- Hunter Wolf secretly experimented in the Steelside warehouse.
- Click on ‘Autumn’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- In September, Hunter Wolf used the I.D.O.L. on Harry Stone to take all memories, and then on Gabriel Girard, who was on the Sea Breeze, to give all memories using a live broadcast.
During the party, Harry Stone sabotaged a synthesizer to avoid revealing a lack of musical skills.
- In September, Hunter Wolf used the I.D.O.L. on Harry Stone to take all memories, and then on Gabriel Girard, who was on the Sea Breeze, to give all memories using a live broadcast.
- Hit ‘Continue’
- Click on the sparkling horse statue, then on the dangling doll
Chapter 5 Conclusion

- Click on ‘Idol Rules’ at the bottom of the screen, and you need to use the correct words and picture icons to fill in the entire sheet. Once done, your results should reflect ours seen above.
- Hit ‘Continue’
- Click on the sparkling soccer ball
Rise of the Golden Idol Walkthrough – Final Clash A Peil Match to Remember
- Click on all of the exclamation symbols to examine all 84 Spots for evidence. These span across multiple areas, so look for arrow symbols. Also, make sure to change the clocks in the top right corner to get evidence from different times on December 16.
- Click on ‘OPIG’ and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- The goal of the OPIG Corporation‘s ‘Happy Customer’ project was to increase O-Range sales.
To achieve this, those behind the project wanted to use the I.D.O.L. to give the memories of drinking O-Range with the drug Euphoria to the millions of spectators watching the peil finals. The project was invented and led by Eugene Marmot.
- The goal of the OPIG Corporation‘s ‘Happy Customer’ project was to increase O-Range sales.
- Click on the sparkling face symbol on the top left of the screen, which will take you back to the events of October 3, with more exclamation Spots to examine.
- Now, click on ‘I.D.O.L’ at the bottom of the screen and fill in the correct words for each moment in time. Once done, your results should reflect ours shown above.
- Click on the sparkling wolf symbol at the top left of the screen, which will take you back to the events of November 8, with more exclamation Spots to examine.
- Once done, click on ‘Curse’ at the bottom of the screen and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- After Tesa Nevari‘s attack, the security protocol was changed. Consequently, Hunter Wolf, assisted by Luke Brown, ambushed Bruce Myson at the OPIG Laboratory.
Then, Hunter Wolf used the I.D.O.L. to take all memories from Luke Brown, and to give all memories to Bruce Myson.
- After Tesa Nevari‘s attack, the security protocol was changed. Consequently, Hunter Wolf, assisted by Luke Brown, ambushed Bruce Myson at the OPIG Laboratory.
- Click on the sparkling fourth clock at the top right corner of the screen, which will take you to the evening of December 16. Examine all possible exclamation Spots.
- Click on ‘Broadcast’ at the bottom of the screen and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- Tim Spender trapped Eugene Marmot on the roof.
However, through a reckless act, Eugene Marmot stopped the broadcast, with the aim of preventing the spectators from getting bad memories of the O-Range. As a result, only Jack Nowak received all memories from the square disk.Shortly afterwards, Tesa Nevari, along with accomplices, stormed the TV station and threw the I.D.O.L. out of the window.
- Tim Spender trapped Eugene Marmot on the roof.
- Click on the second sparkling wolf symbol that takes you back to the events of December 4 on a familiar overpass. Find the last four exclamation Spots here.
- Click on ‘Hunter’ at the bottom of the screen and use the following words in the exact order (the fill-ins are bolded):
- Posing as Hunter Wolf, Jack Nowak secretly experimented with the I.D.O.L. to find the best way of using it to educate humanity.
After becoming disillusioned, Jack Nowak decided the only way was to turn everyone into a genius.
To fulfill this plan, Jack Nowak tried to use the Happy Customer project to turn millions of spectators into Isaac Nowak.
However, because of what happened at the TV station, Jack Nowak was the only person to turn into Isaac Nowak.
- Posing as Hunter Wolf, Jack Nowak secretly experimented with the I.D.O.L. to find the best way of using it to educate humanity.
- Hit ‘Continue’ to finish the game.
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