Rockstar Games Leaks GTA 6 PC Files With Current Gen Updates Of GTA V PC And Red Dead Redemption On PC

Rockstar Games has just leaked its GTA 6 folder on PC. They also leaked the long-awaited Red Dead Redemption PC port again. Additionally, GTA Online PC players who have been waiting over 2 years for current gen features to come to PC will also be excited to know that updates may finally be coming.
Earlier on Tuesday, Rockstar Games updated GTA V on PC and the Rockstar Games Launcher. Included in these updates are more hints that the studio continues to work on these beloved editions as they finish GTA 6.
Famous Rockstar Games insider, Thesis2shared on Twitter that Rockstar left a file in Tuesday’s update that suggests the fabled current-gen update for PC has been in the works for a while. He said that a “Gen9” version of GTA V on PC may have been in development since early this year. Gen9 refers to the 9th generation of consoles, which is the Xbox Series X|S and PS5.
The update made to the PC version of GTA V on Tuesday just added a third anti-cheat: BattlEye. This is a big moment for GTA V on PC as it looks to target cheaters who have plagued the game since launch. Thesis2 guess “The addition of BattlEye could be seen as preparations for the arrival of the Gen9 version on PC.”
Why PC gamers want this update

Then Gen9 version of GTA V has several contents not included in the PC version. For example, Hao’s Special Works, Career Progression and GTA+ are not available on PC. GTA+ in particular has gained a lot of content in the past year. That’s a lot of content missing from the PC version as of March 2022.
In addition, those consoles have upgraded graphics with various forms of Ray Tracing and AMD’s FSR. This is yet another thing that the PC version still gets. It would be greatly appreciated by the PC community as we approach the release of GTA 6.
GTA 6, Red Dead Redemption on PC also mentioned

As briefly mentioned above, it wasn’t just GTA V that got an update from Rockstar this week. The Rockstar Games Launcher has gotten an update to support BattlEye. It can be turned on or off in the launcher settings.
The initial update pushed by Rockstar contained three folders that should not be seen yet. There is an American folder, a GTAV Gen9 folder and a Red Dead Redemption folder. Project Americas is the alias for GTA VI. This is used internally by Rockstar. Meanwhile the GTAV Gen9 is something I explained earlier in the article. Then we have Red Dead Redemption, which Rockstar and others have leaked a few times for PC now.

These folders were first spotted by @saiyambansal100. I verified that this was real by visiting the Rockstar Games folder under My Documents. Below is how they look on my computer. The folders are almost empty.
They have another folder inside them called Profiles and another folder with a name that is random letters and numbers. Rockstar has since updated the Rockstar Games Launcher to no longer issue these folders to those who have yet to download the new update.
Thesis2 also shared the direct SteamDB links for the Gen9 version of GTA V and Red Redemption for PC. According to him, this connection is for RDR on PC and this one is for the updated GTA V on PC.
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