Shin Megami Tensei V: Revenge fully with accessibility features, will have an easier gameplay

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance is coming to PlayStation consoles soon and more details about its enhanced gameplay features have been revealed, including a host of accessibility features for easier gameplay.
In a recent PlayStation blog post, Shigeo Komori, Game Director at Atlus, expanded the accessibility of the game. Many updates and revisions have been made to make the final version of the game more interesting and accessible, such as the increased selection range of relics and the ability to read tutorials at any time. Gameplay encounters have also been made much easier, with air ambushes being reduced and the number of Miracles being increased.
One of the bigger changes in terms of accessibility is the ability to save anywhere on the map. This makes it much more convenient to explore the game world and take on enemy bosses without worrying about going back to a distant checkpoint. Another notable change is Estoma being turned into a Miracle instead of an ability which saves a lot of MP as well as a skill slot.
A variety of powerful new abilities and new demons to activate them are among the gameplay changes; you’ll also face powerful new enemies like the glowing red Magatsuhi demons. Finally, exploration has been enhanced with fast travel (using Magatsuhi) and new locations.
And for the bold, the level cap has been increased to 150 once certain requirements are met. In addition, to challenge themselves, players will be able to try the new Godborn difficulty mode, where all enemy demons are also 150, which will make every encounter tense and unforgiving.
For more on Shin Megami Tensei V, check out How to use Special Abilities in the game, here on Pro Game Guides.