Should you open the Cursed Chest in The Tombs in King Arthur Legion IX?

While much of the plot in turn-based tactical RPG King Arthur: Legion IX is written, some key choices must be made. Read on to find out whether or not you should open the Cursed Chest while searching for Tombs.
What happens if you open the Cursed Chest in King Arthur Legion IX?
Once you’ve completed the big battle in the southwest corner of the map in The Tombs, when you face the Banshees, your quest is pretty much over. If you follow the passage that leaves the room to the north, you can complete the mission by going west (to the flag on the map above). However, a a passage also leads east into a final optional room.
When you enter the room, you will find a a sarcophagus that looks like a normal loot chest. However, when you click it, you will find a warning saying that the sarcophagus is cursed. You are then advised not to disturb this place and can open it or leave it. You can simply leave the room and finish the mission.

If you choose to open ityou will face a a difficult but winnable battle. Whether you decide to face this battle or not will depend on whether you think the loot is worth it since you’ve already earned the XP for the mission. If you win you will get the Firefly Lar (there is also a corpse in the room with 21 gold). Note that this is the only chance to get it. It has the following stats when activated in your Lararium in Nova Roma:
- Non-Basic Attack Skills have a 10 percent chance per Hit to create a Chain Lightning which affects 3 Enemiesdealing 75 percent Weapon Damage and Shocking them for 1 Turn.
- The Chain Lightning too Shocks the Hero for 2 Turns.
A shocked unit has 25 percent less AP, or 50 percent less if they are wearing Heavy Armor (this can be reduced with Mental Debuff Resist). As with all Lars, this is a judgment call, but this is the best you can get at this point in the game, so worth the extra effort. It is no curse beyond having to fight a battle.
The Cursed Chest battle

Check your Party Formation before you start the battle, because when it starts you will have two well armored melee units starting right next to your back row (see image above). Both also have the Reanimate ability, so you’ll want to deal with them decisively before the eight units in front of you get fully involved as well.
Three of the units towards the rear are Lost Crossbowsgiving the enemy some ranged power, while only the two Revenant units do not revive. The Lost Knight is only tough because of its 7 Armor, plus Poison and Bleeding immunity. It also has a medium melee AOE.
Because the Lost Knight is positioned on the right in a tight corridor, place Octavia in the front right position of your 2 man column and move him to tank the Lost Knight. use Plutonius chain the two units that attack from behind, then hit them (and the Lost Knight) with Albina’s Fire Strikes. Gaius should now be able to finish them off. Move Gavius ahead and left and set up an overview ready for the Revenants and has Florianus take the Lost Knight down a few notches with his basic spear attacks.
Turn 2 tactics

Joy should be able to re-kill both the units that attacked from behind to prevent them from reanimation. Gavius and Florianus can pick up the two Revenants and start dealing with the Lost Skirmish that comes up behind them. Once Octavia did as much damage as possible to the Lost Knight, Plutonius should be able to finish him off.
This gives Albino time to cast Firebirds, or move into melee help with the Lost Skirmish if you don’t have it. This does ignore the crossbows that will damage you, but I’ve found it’s better to deal with the melee threats first. I also prefer to deal with any reviving units right away, because otherwise you’ll just prolong the fight. This is also the last battle of the missionso as long as one of your units survives, you’ll be back at camp and fully restored.
Turn 3 and 4 tactics

It’s hard to tell where you’ll be on Turn 3 due to the random nature of the Firebirds. As long as Gayo wiped out the units that attacked from behind, move him as far as possible along the left side (I like to use Jumping Attack to make him more mobile). use Octavia to finish off the Lost Knight for good (and stop it from reviving). If he has something left in the tank, you can add some damage to the final Lost Skirmisher.
Gavius can be sent to the Crossbowmen to draw fire if you don’t finish them off this turn, and then Albino, Florianusand Plutonius can do as much damage as possible to the Crossbowmen. The only exception to this should be that if you notice yourself cannot remove the Crossbows this turninstead focus any ranged efforts on units that would revive in the next turn.
If the battle continues in a fourth turn, you can now simply mop up the final Crossbowmen. Remember that you only need to kill active units. As soon as you defeat the last active unit, everyone waiting to revive will be immediately destroyed.
Looking for more on King Arthur: Legion IX? Check out How to save the merchant in The Merchant quest – King Arthur Legion IX here on Pro Game Guides!