Star Wars: Hunter boots have ridiculous names and players love it

With the release of Star Wars: Hunters on mobile devices and Switch, gamers flocked to check out the free-to-play PvP arena combat game, only to find their first games filled with hilariously named bots.
The premise in Star Wars: Hunters is simple, you choose one of a number of heroes, and you are thrown into an arena to fight against it. The game currently has many species of the Star Wars universe, such as Wookie, Jawa, Robot, and Human.
The screenshot above of my own gameplay made me smile a little. DarkBader, Lurk_Skywalker, and even JediParty were pretty fun. Others I’ve seen include lolthcats, MoffPigeon and BlueMilkDeliverer. Those last two in particular made me laugh.
There’s a post on the Star Wars: Hunters subreddit where you can go ahead and add the funniest names you’ve seen so far, but this is for all usernames, not just bots. Some more notable mentions are garbage_gobblers and OMGUShotMe.
You can expect to be matched with real players from around level 5 or 6, at which point you will immediately notice the difference. Enemies stop standing in one place to let you shoot them, for one. You’re also not that likely to consistently top the leaderboard either, as disappointing as that may be.
So far, I rule with Sentinel (the Storm Trooper tank), and Grozz (the Wookie) is also a fun hunter to play. However, I make sure to try out all the new heroes I unlock, and as with most MOBAs, you should do the same.
If you’re wondering how the general community has received this game, check out our post on why Star Wars: Hunters players’ first access is getting a warm reception.