Sword of Convallaria – Best Maitha Builds

Maitha is one of the first characters in Sword of Convallaria to join your squad, and although she is not one of the best characters in Sword of Convallaria, having her on your team is not a bad idea. She may be a Defender type character, but her offensive abilities should be more than enough if you build her right. Check out Maitha’s best builds here.
Creating the best build for Maitha in Sword of Convallaria
As well as leveling up Maitha as you play through each battle in Sword of Convallaria, you can choose to level her up to give her new abilities and boost her stats. Maitha’s best build is one that turns Maitha into a tank-style character, focusing on the support she can offer as a shield for your other squad members.
If you navigate to Maitha’s character screen and click on the little plus symbol next to the word “Rank”, and you’ll see a series of rank levels. Every second rank has a skill option attached to it. In order to create the best Maitha build in Sword of Convallaria, you will need to choose the following abilities while ranking Maitha:
- RK1 – Guard: When Maitha stands close to her teammates, she can intercept enemy attacks meant for them, all while boosting her own DEF.
- RK3 – Come on, everyone!: This ability taunts enemies, attracting their attention. It also heals nearby allies, improving their ATK and DEF in the process.
- RK5 – Block Counter: Maitha blocks an attack from the front or side and deals damage back to the attacker.
- RK7 – Bandage: Maitha heals a significant portion of a single ally’s missing health.
- RK9 – Armor Piercing Strike: Boosts Maitha’s normal attack and reduces the target’s physical and magical defenses.
- RK11 – Invulnerable: Increases Maitha’s damage reduction, makes her immune to crowd control effects, and triggers a block after she is attacked from behind.
Maitha’s rank abilities are separated into Guardian and Survival. The above list is a mix of skills from both sides, giving Maitha more of a Support/Tank vibe.
The other build you can enjoy is an offensive build that contains all the skills on Maitha’s Survival side. These are all skills on the right side of the ranking list. This build is also a lot of fun to play – it’s all about hitting hard and fast, but still retreating with poor defense.
There are no other options for builds when it comes to Maitha. Either Support/Tank (which is the build fully outlined above), Tank (all Guard skills), or Tank/DPS (all Survival Skills).
Maitha’s statistics

While the stats shown in the screenshot above are for a level 5 Maitha, you can see the table below for her minimum and maximum stats:
Stat | Lvl. 1 | Maximum Level. |
P.ATK – Physical DMG Attack | 200 | 1321 |
P. DEF – Reduced Physical DMG | 93 | 615 |
HP – Health Points | 417 | 3701 |
M.ATK – Magic DMG Attack | 140 | 926 |
M.DEF – Reduced Magic DMG | 58 | 385 |
SPD – Speed (affects round order) | 243 | 243 |
Who is Maitha in Sword of Convallaria?

Maitha is a member of the Sword of Convallaria, and is known for her kindness and unwavering hope despite her harsh childhood. Adopted by Rawiyah, she quickly became a local favorite for her sunny disposition and trust in others.
In Sword of Convallaria, Maitha has impressive defensive abilities. While she’s not a main damage dealer, her early game abilities like Leg Slam and Maitha’s Charge are great for knocking back enemies when you need a breather. Her Block Counter ability is particularly useful, as it blocks frontal and side attacks while dealing back some damage to the attacker.
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