The Hunt Mega Edition Eat the World Event Guide

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The most direct token to enter the ongoing mega edition is from the world experience, because all you have to do is feed the giant Noob in the middle of the world to a certain amount. So, here’s a quick guide on how to do this and get the token quickly from the experience.
How to start eating the World Event in Hunt Mega Edition
To start the hunting search in EAT the World, click the Hunt button to the left of the menu to teleport the special search server.

After teleportation, you will find yourself before yellow giant noob. Now you just have to collect the various foods lying around the area until you reach 1000 points. You can find the point track by clicking the Hunt button on the same left side of the screen.

Initially, you will be tiny and will not be able to lift the foods lying around the map. So, you have to eat the bricks From the ground to get you big enough to lift the meal. You can then decide to eat the raised food of the earth to make you bigger or feed the giant Noob as part of the search. Also use the Store option on the upper left side to buy updates such as Maximum size,, Walking speed & Size -multiplier to close your process. If all goes well, in the next 45 to 90 minutes, you will get the 1000 points per nutrition and get the badge.
Another essential advice I want to share is that instead of going close to the monster to feed it. You can use the RMB throw the food directly from the place of a sting to Noob’s giant mouth.
For more about Roblox Hunt, check out the Hunt Mega -Edition Clip IT Guide or the Hunt Mega Mega Edition Bayside High School Event Guide
Published: 13 Mar 2025 10:04