The Hunt Mega Publishing World // Zero -Event Guide

To demand the hunting token of the world // zero is not as easy as in some other Roblox titles, especially if you haven’t tried this game before. If you want to find out how to nail this search in the first attempt, follow our The Hunt: Mega Publishing World // Zero -Event Guide below.
What is the hunt: mega edition event search objective
The Hunt Token is guaranteed a fall from the past event of Gravetower Dungeon In World // zero. To enter the pit, join the world // zero from the hunting lobby or through the gameplay, and then Enter Hunt’s portal next to the spawn. Complete the Gracerower past once guarantees you the token. However, you can stay and make more employment centers for some fresh weapon cosmetics.
Gravetower’s past the hunting world // zero event Dungeon walkthrough
The past event of the Gravetower is quite simple. You just have to Follow the main road and defeat enemies on the way. After you empty an area, a gate will open so you can continue. As you progress, you will reach circular open arena where you will fight against the final boss from the past pit of the tomb. That was a summary. Now let’s dive deeper into the world // zero the hunting event.
Progressing through the open areas
Most enemies along the main path of the past cavity of the tomb do not have to pose a threat to you, no matter what class you have chosen. However, Be careful so you don’t be hit by Ghoul KnightsBecause they can turn off your class skills in short. If you trust, You can Agri all the crowds and then quickly take care of them with AoE -skills.
How to overcome soul, the soul dragon
Jumping down the slope at the end of the main road, you enter the Boss Arena of Anima, the Soul Dragon. The head of a hunting event in the world // Zero has several moving and gamma moves. The best strategy is Stay close,, Pay attention to the green attack circles under soul,, and round him permanently. By doing this, you will avoid most of its abilities.
At 50% HP,, Anima will fly up in the air and start using ranked attacks. As it fly, Look for small green circles on the edges of the arena and stand in them as they will heal you. After the boss descends, enter and DPS it as much as possible. After that, it washes and repeat until you win it. In the end, Approach the raised hunting to claim your rewards.
And that summarizes everything you need to know about the special world // zero the hunt: mega publishing event Dungeon. If you want to find out how to get all the other hunting tokens in the mega edition, check our Complete Guide of Hunt Token.