The Warden Archetype in Remnant 2 is all about Drones and Shields

The newest Archetype in Remnant 2 — The Warden — drops when the game’s final DLC Dark Horizon hits virtual shelves on September 24. Wondering how it plays? We have all the details for you.
The Caretaker takes the term “flat top” to a new level and is big on both Shields and Drones. Both themes allow him to be both offensive and helpful at will, so if that’s your style, this guy will be right up your alley.
Engineer is the natural pairing for Warden, as thanks to the Prime Perk Dynamic, you will automatically regenerate a Shield as you increase the N’Erudian Energy Reserve for both your Drone and the Engineer’s Turret. For those who like tank builds, there’s also the Barrier Archetype Trait, which means you and allies will get protection from Shields.
As for Drones, you have the option to switch between Shield, Healing and Combat versions. Here’s the breakdown:
- Shield Drone: When energized, your Drone will constantly provide Shield to your chosen Ally until they are maxed out, while also lightly reducing all incoming damage (it’s not clear if this applies to both yourself and the ally, so we asked and will). update if we hear). In other words, your friend doesn’t die.
- Heal Drone: Similar to the Shield Drone, it will heal an ally until they are maxed out, while also passively providing a Relic Use Speed buff. If you dig Relics, this is the ticket.
- Battle Drone: As you would expect, this little guy will be a regular threat to enemies as it will attack anything causing trouble near your chosen ally.
Remnant 2: The Dark Horizon will be available on PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC for the price of $9.99. Or if you’ve purchased or are purchasing the Ultimate Edition, you’re already covered.
Want more Remnant 2 coverage? Check out Remnant 2 Archetype Tier List: All Classes, Ranked here on Pro Game Guides.