There’s a free four-star weapon hidden in Wuthering Waves and here’s how to get it

If you don’t like pulling weapon banners because of zero gach luck like me, there is another way you can find a good weapon. In WuWa, you can find a hidden free four-star Broadblade weapon, and you can check its exact location below.
Where to find the free four-star weapon in Wuthering Waves
First, go to the Resonance Beacon in the middle of the Sea of Flames area Once you are there, enter the road and start going up. I suggest using a Resonator that has the Inferno Rider Echo because it makes the journey easier, even though it doesn’t last more than a few seconds.
Stop when you reach the Grapple Shooter. There will probably be enemies around, so take care of them first before you continue so they don’t bother you. Activate grapple points from the side of the road and then swing up into a building.
You will find Module: Jump, on which you have to jump to go high in the air. Once you do, you’ll see more Grapple Points that you can attach and get to the next section of the path.
You will notice a Propulsion Flow on the left side of the road. Slide into it, and it will propel you up. Now, here comes the slightly tricky part. You have to climb all the way up two buildings. However, there are Road Signs there if it’s your first time climbing up. Go near them to recharge your Stamina, and you should be able to reach the top.
Once you’re at the top of the second building, you’ll find the four-star Broadsword Dauntless Evernight. The Resonators that can use this weapon are Calcharo, Jiyan, and Taoqi.
If you want to find more secret weapons in WuWa, check out How to get a free four-star Weapon Selector in Wuthering Waves in Pro Game Guides.