
Top 5 Rare Auras in Aura Craft & How to get them

Equipping the rarest Aura is not only a way to show off, but also a testament to your dedication and skill in Aura Craft. If you’re ready to embark on a journey to obtain these rare Auras and their creation methods, this comprehensive guide is your key to unlocking the unique Auras in the game.

Rare Auras in Aura Craft – Roblox

Below, I have listed five rare Auras in Aura Craft that are less popular, and you can easily craft them to look unique in front of your friends.

Excellent Aura

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Let’s start with the Superb Aura, a rare gem in the game. Only 75 players have unlocked this fabulous Aura. When equipped, your character will be enveloped in vibrant yellow flames, emitting a burst of particles from your feet. This unique Aura even has a tinkling sound, setting it apart from the rest. Ready to add this to your collection? Follow the handmade guide below.

Steps Target Aura Steps
1 a plant Earth + Water
2 a tree Plant + Plant
3 air Tree + Tree
4 Stone Earth + Earth
5 Coal Stone + Stone
6 Gold Coal + Water
7 Cloud Air + Air
8 dust Plant + Fire
9 spirit Dust + Fire
10 a storm Spirit + Water
11 rainbow Storm + Spirit
12 harmony Rainbow + Cloud
13 Excellent Gold + Harmony


The KO Aura in Aura Craft
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The KO or Knockout is another rare Aura in the game, with only 90 people owning the item. Indicative of its name, the Aura displays the word KO in red and black font above the player’s head with a simple flash animation. While I like the design, I’m not a big fan of the animation that causes the player to fall every 3 seconds, making walking uncomfortable. You can create the KO Aura using the following table, which provides a step-by-step guide on how to get the KO Aura.

Steps Target Aura Steps
1 Ying Yang Fire + Water
2 Monk Ying Yang + Water
3 Ninja Monk + Fire
4 Demon Ninja + Fire
5 Energy Water + Wind
6 Rage Demon + Fire
7 KO Rage + Ninja


The Butterfly Aura in Aura Craft
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The Butterfly is one of the most beautiful Auras in the game. Once equipped with the Aura, you will find butterflies of various colors floating above your head and behind your back. I like the Aura because of its simple design and smooth animation pattern. From now on, only 276 players have unlocked the Aura. So, join that elite club by following the given table.

Steps Target Aura Steps
1 a plant Water + Earth
2 a tree Plant + Plant
3 time Stay 1 Minute In Game
4 Life Tree + Time
5 dust Plant + Fire
6 Energy Water + Wind
7 nature Energy + Tree
8 Butterfly Nature + Life


The Supernova Aura in Aura Craft
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The Supernova is another space-related Aura in the game that only 88 Players own. It’s one of the most fabulous-looking auras on the entire list. While equipping the Aura, my character model was enveloped in a large purple sphere with lightning coming out of it. Also you will find your character floating in the air instead of walking. Check out the table below to make yourself a Supernova in Aura Craft.

Steps Target Aura Steps
1 a plant Water + Earth
2 a tree Plant + Plant
3 air Tree + Tree
4 sky Air + Wind
5 Space Sky + Sky
6 star Space + Earth
7 Energy Water + Wind
8 Gravity Energy + Space
9 Supernova Gravity + Star


The Karma Aura in Aura Craft
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Karma is the last Aura to appear on the list. At the time of speaking, this Aura is only possessed by 122 players in the game. Unlike others, it is a simple Aura in appearance, because after equipping, you will only find a blue flaming material around your material. Create the Karma in Aura Craft using the method below.

Steps Target Aura Steps
1 a plant Water + Earth
2 a tree Plant + Plant
3 time Stay 1 Minute Inside the Game
4 Life Tree + Time
5 endless Time + Time
6 a mystery Infinite + Infinite
7 future Time + Infinite
8 Wonder Life + Mystery
9 past Wonder + Future
10 Legendary Past + Future

For more on Roblox, check out All Crafting Recipes in Aura Craft – Roblox or How to Flip Vehicles in Dusty Trip (RV Van) in Pro Game Guides.

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