What is Exchange Cancellation in Wuthering Waves and which Resonators can do it?

Swap Cancel is a unique way to fight enemies in Wuthering Waves that players noticed when switching between Resonators. Exchange Cancel is not new in gaming – it is also featured in Elder Scrolls Online, but it is known in the Elder Scrolls community as “animation cancel”.
In Wuthering Waves, there are two Swap techniques that players can take advantage of: Swap Cancel and Swap Back.
What is Exchange Cancellation in Wuthering Waves?
Swap Cancel is a combat feature that players can use by switching from one Resonator to another and having both attacks hit. This only happens when the first Resonator you use has a long animation for its skill, giving the player enough time to switch Resonators and attack with a second one while the first animation ends.
For example, your first Resonator uses their Echo ability, which requires transformation. This takes some time, allowing you to quickly switch to a second Resonator and attack with them.
You need to be quick when switching Resonators and always have your first Resonator completing an attack that lasts a few more seconds than your basic attack.
Which Resonators can Interchange Cancel?

Any Resonator should be able to do a Swap Cancel attack, as long as you have a skill to use which has a longer animation. Forte Circuit skills are the best to use if you are looking for a hint. Although you have to press and hold the activation button when using a controller, you can still switch your Resonator and attack while the animation ends.
A great Resonator to Swap Cancel with is Encore. Encore’s Forte Circuit attack allows you to Swap Cancel at any time, meaning you don’t need to focus on her animation once you’ve activated it.
However, other Resonators require you to let their animation play for a bit before you swap. YangYang’s strength causes her to slash her enemy while in mid-air. After the first strike from her sword, switch to your second Resonator.
It takes a bit of trial and error to get the timing right, so I’d suggest having a core team or two that you know the timing for if you want to be able to use the feature well.
Personally, I Exchange Cancel or Exchange Back between Rover, Chixia, and Yuanwu. Yuanwu, in particular, has several attacks with long animations, so he’s perfect to switch from.
Note that you cannot Swap Cancel or Swap Back during Resonance Liberation skill animations (your Resonator’s Ultimate ability).
The difference between Exchange Cancel and Exchange Back

The only difference between Exchange Cancel and Exchange Back is what you do after your second Resonator has attacked. If you keep attacking with your second Resonator, it’s an Exchange Cancel.
If you decide to switch to your first Resonator again to end their attack animation after attacking with a second Resonator, it’s a Switch Back.
This feature was explained on Reddit in this post.
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