Where to find all 10 Roblox logo skins in Roblox The Games 2024

Finding all 10 Roblox logo skins is one of the Event Hub quests for Roblox The Games 2024. Completing these quests will help you as you try to get all the rewards in Roblox The Games 2024 as they give you Shinies and Silver Tokens upon completion.
Roblox logo leaning locations
As you’re looking for the Roblox logo skins, remember to find them in the order I wrote this post. If you deviate and try to find them out of order, you may find yourself unable to find one. of the boxes that represent the tilt of the Roblox logo.
Once you find all ten Roblox logo skins in The Games Event Hub, you will be awarded with 10 Shinies that you can use towards the special Event Hub items. 10 Shinies may not sound like a lot, but the least expensive item – the Team Aura – is only 15 Shinies.
Logo 1: Event Hub spawn point
Load in The Games from the official list on Roblox. Immediately after spawning in the Event Hub (where the team bases and game coliseum are), you will see a thick, broken pillar directly in front of you. In front of it, there should be a black cube with a white glow. This is your first Roblox logo tilt; without it, you will not be able to find the second one.
If it’s not there, you may have already taken it without realizing what it was. Check your quest guide on the left side of your screen to see if you’ve collected any Roblox logo skins so far.
Logo 2: Base of Mighty Ninjas

Go down the stairs and cross the bridge that leads to the Mighty Ninjas base. If you go to the leaders of the groups (standing on the podiums to the right of the first area), you may see a teal cube glowing behind them.
Jump to the outer ring of the area and interact with the cube for your second Roblox logo bow.
Logo 3: Base of Pink Warriors

Go back across the bridge. Be sure to walk across and don’t let yourself be reborn. If you “die”, you may lose the last emblem you collected. I did, and it took me 20 minutes to figure out why I couldn’t find any other Roblox cubes.
Climb the pillar to the left of the first area, and then go across the archway until you reach the center. Right there, overlooking the base of the Pink Warriors, is a pink Roblox cube.
You don’t need to fly to get to this box, but it’s still easy to get to if you don’t already have the Angel Wings item from the Event Hub special items. They are indeed the most expensive at 155 Shinies.
Logo 4: Angry Canary base

This one is particularly easy to achieve. Go to Angry Canary’s base, and go to the stone stairs on the far side of the first area (where the leaderboard is).
Go up the stairs, and look to the left to see a yellow cube sitting between two pieces of a (clearly) broken pillar. Remember where you are, you’ll have to come back here later.
Logo 5: Crimson Cats base

Go down the stairs from the spawn point and go to the leftmost entrance. This is the Crimson Cats base entrance. Go onto the bridge to be pushed over the gap, and then just go to the back of the area. Behind the leaderboard, there is a red box with the second Roblox logo bow for you to collect.
Logo 6: Base of Giant Feet

Leave the base of the Purple Cat and immediately go to the bridge, which will take you over to the base of the team of Giant Feet.
Go up the stone stairs after you land on the base, and look ahead under the arch in the second area to find the orange cube for the next Roblox logo bow.
Logo 7: Base of Pink Warriors

Go to the back of the first area. You will see a pillar near the platform, and three flat rocks to the right (left in the screenshot above) Drop down onto the platforms, and then jump onto the bottom ring of the base. I recommend using the second platform to get to the lower ring. The third takes you too low, making it difficult to bounce back.
Logo 8: Base of Giant Feet

You may have noticed a blue box on the arch over the bridge when you encountered this base. That’s the next Roblox logo tilt. You can either fly up there or jump the pillars and go over to the fifth box in your control.
Logo 9: Angry Canary base

Remember that pillar you were on in the Angry Canary area? Yes, go back there. Look slightly left and cross the gray road structure (floating in the air, right next to the pillar, you can’t miss it).
On the rock at the end of the pillar where there is a green cube. Collect this and you’ll have just one more Roblox logo bow to collect for your quest. there should be a green box. This is your last Roblox logo bow. Now, mine was missing, so watch out for that. If it’s not there, report the bug.
Logo 10: Crimson Cats base

If you want the latest Roblox logo tilt, you’re going to have to work for it.
I’d advise waiting until you have Angel Wings for this one, then just fly up to the top of the left side of the Purple Cats’ base. If you can’t fly, you’ll have to use the back way up – go to the back right of the base, and climb the cliff rocks around to the top.
Then, just go to where the broken pillar is with the red center. The final Roblox logo tilt box is waiting for you on the other side of it. It’s a single track all the way, you can’t get lost and it’s easy to get up there.
Want to read more about Roblox The Games 2024 at Professional Game Guides? Check out All Shine locations in Roblox The Games 2024 (All Experiences) and Best Games to get all the rewards in Roblox The Games 2024.