Where to find and how to defeat the Stronghold Oil Rig in Palworld

If you plan to conquer the seas (and get the achievement of that name in the game), you need to know where to find and how to defeat the Oil Rig Fortress in Palworld.
How to take over the Ole Rig Fort in Palworld
One of the best ways to get a bunch of Crude Oil quickly outside of a Crude Oil farm is to take over the Oil Plate Stronghold in Palworld. First, you have to locate it. The Fort can be found at -547, 422. Go to the Swamp Island quick point at 430, -344.
Now, before you start, you need to prepare. The Oil Rig will be filled with Union soldiers that can wipe you out with just a few bullets. You need to make sure you have the best armor and the best weapons.

The best armor you should have is the Plastic armor. However, if you haven’t managed to get it yet, you can make do with the Pale Metal Ingot armor, just be sure to bring healing items. The Hyper shield it’s also something you should focus on creating before you leave.
For weapons, bring in a Rocket Launchera Meteor launcher and an Assault Rifle. If you have a Laser Rifle, please bring that in as well (I haven’t unlocked it yet unfortunately). For this one, I would focus on killing everyone on my own rather than using Pals since they are big targets. I actually found them entertaining so I just did the run myself. If you have friends who play, I definitely suggest attacking the Rig in a group.
You absolutely should don’t fly to the Oil Rig because it is equipped with lasers that will shoot you. If you have Jet Dragonyou may be able to avoid them, but I found passing Surfer or any other Pal who can swim makes the journey easier (albeit slower).

I suggest starting from the exactly from the platform. The enemies will all run down the stairs to wait at the dock to shoot you, so don’t go there. Instead, change the Surfer for the Jet Dragon and quickly fly up behind the tents. Make sure you get out of the Jet Dragon just as quickly because you’re not hidden by the lasers here.
Once you climb up, focus on dealing with the enemies first. The Grenadiers, for example, can take you out quickly so shoot them with the Rockets. If you are a long distance, there is a chance that the enemies will not notice you, but you can shoot them from distance with the Assault Rifle.

As you go, you will meet the Lasers (who will shoot you when you fly) and Towers (which will shoot you on the Rig). You can destroy them both using the touch screen, but focus on destroying the Towers first.

If you’re wearing Plasteel armor and a Hyper Shield, then the Turret bullets should be a minor annoyance. However, in combination with enemies, they can take you out, so take them out offline first.
There should be a few breasts at the Keep as well as enemies that fall Crude oilbut there is one main chest that you must go through to complete the attack and get the best loot. This chest is located on the bottom floor of the Rig.

There will be a lot of enemies outside and inside the room, so take care of them first. Make sure there’s no one around, because opening the chest will take you some time. You don’t want to get killed while opening it.
When you open the chest, you will get a bunch of good loot, including crude oil and Ancient Civilization Cores. The first time you complete this raid, you will also receive the Conqueror of the Sea achievement
When you have the right equipment, you can take on the toughest Pals, so check out How to beat Knocklem and Menasting Tera alpha bosses in Palworld in Pro Game Guides.