
Where to find Cave Mushrooms in Palworld (Map Location)

You have to explore all areas of the map if you want to get all the materials to craft the best items in the game. Check out where to find Cave Mushrooms in Palworld below.

How to get Cave Mushrooms in Palworld

If you want to get Cave Mushrooms in Palworld, you'll need to do some dungeon crawling. This material can be found in prison caves, usually next to a wall. There are many plants in caves, but you will recognize these by their green glow.

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The image above shows the location of all known dungeons in Palworld. The ones in the starting area are pretty low, so you can't take them if you're not comfortable exploring others yet. However, since the bosses in those dungeons are at a lower level, the quality of the loot won't be that great either.

Related: Palworld Wildlife Sanctuary Guide – Locations, Rare Friends and Loot

I recommend going to or the Moonless Shore or the Green Stream area where you'll find caves with bosses that are usually around level 29. That's not too bad, especially if you have good weapons and powerful Buddies.

When exploring a cave, make sure you go down all the paths before you fight the boss, as the exit can be found right after the boss fight. You will meet many comrades and many people who want to fight you, so bring your strongest comrades and plenty of ammo in your pistol. If you have a better weapon, you can bring that in as well.

How to use Cave Mushrooms

Cave Mushrooms are used for medicinal purposes. They are one of the ingredients in the recipe for Low Quality Recovery Medswhich restore some Health, and Recovery Meds, which restore a decent amount of Health. The low grade requires three Cave Mushrooms, while the regular one requires five, so you'll need to do quite a bit of cave exploring if you want to have these healing items on hand at all times.

If you want to quickly return to your base, check How to get Homeward Thundercloud in Palworld in Pro Game Guides.

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