Where to find Crafted Weapons in Warzone (Map Location)

With the Season 4 Reloaded update, Call of Duty: Warzone received some new content including the Mutation Resurgence mode, Popov Power POI rework, the Reclaimer 18 Shotgun, and Redacted Weapons. The latter are special weapons with extra attachments, so here’s how to find them.
How to get Crafted Weapons in Warzone (Map)
I have had the most success finding Edited Weapons inside the bunkers in Urzikstan, which has Battle Royale and Plunder game modes. It can also appear randomly at hot loot zones like Old City, Zaravan City, and Haqida Farms; however, each bunker has at least one guaranteed Redacted Weapon gene.
To access the bunkers, you will first need to obtain a Bunker Key Card completing a contract (Scavenger, Upload Intel, etc.). Below is a tac map and list of all 13 bunkers found across Urzikstan.

- East of Levin Resort
- North Popov Power
- East of Orlov Military Base
- Between Port City District and Urzikstan Cargo
- Southwest Old Town
- Between Old Town and Lower Town
- North of Old Town near the radio tower (currently inaccessible)
- Hadiqa Farms
- Edge of Zaravan City at the beach (lower left corner)
- Zaravan Suburbs
- North of Shahin Manor
- South of Shahin Manor
- Popov Power (Bunker 13 is the second bunker in this area and accessible without a key card)
What are Edited Weapons in Warzone?
Edited Weapons are specially crafted guns with unique camo styles and three extra attachments (making it eight attachments altogether instead of five). While it may seem like these weapons should feel good, believe me when I say they don’t; I tried several and none of them were nearly as effective as my regular carry weapon. Appropriate meta attachments will be needed for Redacted Weapons to be competitive.
Here are some of the Edited Weapons I found in Warzone:
- Striker 9 Edited SMG
- HRM-9 Edited SMG
- XRK Stalker Edited Sniper
- Haymaker Edited Shotgun
- DG-58 LSW Revised LMG
- BAL-27 Modified Assault Rifle
Although they haven’t been in my experience, please find these special weapons and try them out to see if they are worth using. Although not as high performing as regular builds, these guns are better than the regular ground loot guns; therefore they can be used until you receive your shipment.
For more on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 & Warzone, check out MW3 players don’t like the Reclaimer 18 in Pro Game Guides.