Where to find Little Devils in Fallout 76

Fallout 76 is a massive hit after Bethesda released the Fallout TV show. With this newfound success, players are starting to dive deep into the game and its DLC, Atlantic City. While the DLC added an impressive amount of content, the enemy known as the Little Devil is one particularly notable new arrival. These enemies are smaller versions of the famous cryptid, The Jersey Devil. If you want to find these enemies to complete an Expedition or get the “Rip and Tear” achievement, this guide will help you.
How to get to Atlantic City
To get to Atlantic City, players will need to get to the Whitespring Refuge and talk to the man at the desk in the Commons. If you haven't done their quest line, you will have to complete the daily quests “Code Blue”, “Mutual Aid” and “Recipe for Success” first. To start these quests, find Orlando in the Refuge and ask him if he needs help (he wears a white suit and can roam the area or in the Administrative Office).
Once you've done that, you can talk to Lennox on the roof, which will take you straight to Atlantic City. She will ask if you want to go to the Flooded Downtown, Casino District, or the Boardwalk. I found several Little Devils in the Flooded Downtown and a few in the Casino District, so either one works. You can also find them during the fight with The Jersey Devil and sometimes during Expeditions, but it's easier to just look for them.
Where to find Little Devils
As mentioned above, the Little Devils can be found in two different areas (in addition to the ones with The Jersey Devil himself). These two areas are on the roof of Quentino's Night Club in the Casino Quarter and in the Residential Plaza located in the Flooded City Center. Once you've killed all the Little Devils in both regions, you can travel back to Appalachia and then start a new journey to the Atlantic. This will force the game to recover them, allowing you to kill as many as you need.

Where to find Little Devils in the Casino Quarter
Once you land in the Casino District, you will see a building with bright lights on it and the word “Quentino's” above it; this is Quentino's Night Club. You just have to take the steps to the right of the building and climb onto the roof. From there, you'll find two Little Devils sitting on top.
Where to find Little Devils in the Flooded Downtown
You can also find them in the Residential Plaza in the Flooded City Center. This is the area that has the Fontina d'Aosta building. For the most part, this area has quite a few Little Devils roaming around freely, which means you can just walk around and run into them.