Where to find Ribunny and get Ribunny Ribbon in Palworld

Ribunny is an adorable friend but isn’t really special on base or in combat. However, it does drop one important item that will make you slaughter all the Kamikas you capture. Here’s where to find Ribbunny and get Ribbuny Ribbon in Palworld.
How to get Ribunny Ribbon in Palworld
To get Ribunny Ribbon in Palworld, you need to go to this Pal’s natural habitat. However, when you check the map in the Paldeck, it gives you a lot of ground to cover. I usually go to -232, -503 (one of the islands), especially in the area around the enemy camp. I often find at least four or five of them walking around on the trails.
Ribunny is a Neutral Buddy with level 1 Handicraft, Gathering and Transport, which is nothing special since you can get Buddies with higher levels for each Job Ability. When you have this Friend in a team, it will increase the power of your other Neutral Friends. This can be useful at times, but not often enough to benefit you from having this Friend on your team all the time.
Besides getting the bonus for catching the first 12 Buddies, they are mostly useful for its drops, Leather, Beautiful Flower and the Ribunny Ribbon.

Once you have collected enough Ribbons (as well as the other necessary crafting materials), you can make the Quick Remedy. This is a stat-boosting potion that permanently increases your work speed (something much needed especially when you level up and you have to farm and grind for new items). You can create the Quick Resource at the Bench of Medicine.
If you want to get extra Technology points and lots of good loot, then check out All known Dungeon locations in Palworld at Pro Game Guides.