
Where to find the “Old Sketch” treasure in Wuthering Waves (Map)

After you’ve explored an abandoned shack in the Port City of Guixu region, there’s a good chance you’ll come across an Old Sketch with the note, “I hid the treasure in the painting!” Here’s where to find said treasure in Wuthering Waves.

Wuthering Waves Old Sketch treasure place

The location depicted in the Old Sketch is actually nearby—in the vicinity of the larger trees in the Sea of ​​Flames area (where you did the Inferno Rider quest). The clue you’re looking for is this really, really small one a star at the bottom of the photo. Odd shape, considering it’s surrounded by rocks, right?

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Move away from the shack where you found the sketch until the portrait lines up somewhat perfectly, as drawn in the photo. The ground in front of this chair should glow.

Treasure location of the Old Sketch clue in Wuthering Waves
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click to inspect and you will find a golden treasure chest. You will be rewarded with the usual Astrite an Union EXP.

If you need the map view of this place, here it is:

Treasure location of the Old Sketch clue in Wuthering Waves (Map)
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How to get the Old Draft in Wuthering Waves

A rover gliding over the Port City of Guixu residential area in Wuthering Waves
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If you are in this guide without knowing what the Old Draft is, you can get it from this shack in the Donglu Research Station in Guixu Port City. It involves using three batteries to lower the water level enough that you may reach the house submerged at its bottom.

Port city of Guixu residential area in Wuthering Waves (map)
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Said house also has an Echo Box, so it’s worth doing this non-quest investigation anyway.

For more treasure locations in Wuthering Waves (WuWa), check out the “Photo covered in scratches” treasure (Map), How to solve the Encryption Block puzzle near Fallen Grave in Wuthering Waves, and the Wuthering Waves Silent History quest guide here there on Pro Game guides.

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