Wuthering Waves is finally getting the optimization it needs to succeed

Wuthering Waves celebrated some big hits, reaching its pre-record milestones and occupying the number one download spot in over 100 countries. Now they are working hard to optimize their game for players.
While the game has been pretty fun so far, there’s no denying that WuWa has experienced a lot of issues (specifically with performance on PCs, unskippable cutscenes, etc.).
However, Running Games is working diligently to improve as many things as possible, thanks to the feedback and bug reports that everyone has shared with them. WuWa is their first independently developed and globally released game, so it makes sense that it’s not as polished in its first version. Fortunately, the fans are quite patient, especially with the developers who are as open with their communication as Kuro Games.
Wuthering Waves version 1.1 includes a number of updates and optimizations. For starters, they’re working on optimizing the Echo development experience. In the next version, developing an Echo will take less Shell credits, while the performance of Echoes and Echo development materials will be increased. Run Games will add a limited-time double-yielding Echo event, ‘Chord Cleaning,’ will be added to the current 1.0 version of the game.
Additionally, on May 29, a bug gave some players an extra amount of Shell Credit when recycling Echoes. The developers planned to remove it to stay fair to everyone, but they didn’t clearly communicate that, so as an apology, they will provide Shell Credit x 1,000,000 to all players. This will last until July 3, 2024. You will also receive Crystal Solvents × 20 for the general bad experience with the Echoes in the game.
Wuthering Waves had many localization problems, making some of the story sound stilted and awkward. One such localization problem was with the description of a 5-star weapon, ‘Verdant Summit.’ If you encounter any issues with WuWa’s language, Kuro Games encourages you to get in touch so they can improve.
While they work hard to fix any issues across multiple languages, we will receive a one-time Forging Tides × 5 compensation. This compensation will last until June 28, 2024.
Run Games is also redesigning the rules and rewards of upcoming events following extensive feedback from players on the “Overdash Club” event. For me, the event was good and not too challenging, but it felt a bit like a walking challenge at times. The rewards also felt insignificant, considering it’s a special event.
Wuthering Waves will be hosting an extra special event called ‘Wuthering Exploration’ with more rewards (they are very generous with compensation rewards, which makes me more than happy). The event will take place from June 13 to June 28, 2023. You can get:
- Astritas × 800
- Morphable Elite Class Echo I
- Morphable Elite Class Echo II
- Premium Tuner
- Superior Sealed Tube
A major change has been made to the Wuthering Waves update timeline. Due to the generous player feedback and support they have received (as you can tell from the likes, views and replies to their X post above), they are adding some content from 1.1.
Starting June 6th, you’ll be able to play the Lonely Road Companion Story for Yinlin (which I’m so excited about), as well as pull her banner. Don’t worry, you will also get Resonator Tide x 10 as compensation for the change in the banner schedule. Sorry, Jiyan, but you haven’t arrived yet, and I have to save for Yinlin.
On June 28, Wuthering Waves will launch version 1.1, which includes a new area (Mt. Firmament), new Resonances (Jinshi and Changli), and a new boss (Sentinel Jue).
Battle will also receive some major updates in version 1.1. I’ve been very frustrated with the Auto lock and camera movements in battle, so I’m looking forward to them fixing these issues. Keybindings, as well as controller experience will be optimized in this version as well.
In addition to all the big changes above, Wuthering Waves will also introduce improvements when it comes to:
- No purchase limits that can lead to accidental unwanted purchases.
- Audio and Sound Effect bugs.
- Performance issues (Crash and Instability).
- “Deep of the Illusory Realm” event.
Seeing how many things they are working on, everyone has communicated clearly with us, and their player base really gives me a lot of hope. I’ve had a lot of fun with the game so far, and it looks like it’s only going to get better in the future.
If you struggle with WuWa’s naming convention but have played Genshin before, check out This Genshin comparison infographic will bring you up to speed on Wuthering Waves terminology in Pro Game Guides.