Xilonen’s Special Dish and how to cook it in Genshin Impact – Fruit Flavored Milk Bombs

Xilonen is an upcoming character that will debut in the Genshin Impact Version 5.1 update. According to leaks, her Special Dish may be Fruit Flavored Milk Candies, which are said to be based on the Recipe for Chocolate. Follow the steps below to cook this indulgent delicacy.
How to cook Fruit Milk Candies in Genshin Impact – Xilonen’s Special Dish
Special Dishes can only be made by the character they are associated with, so Fruit Flavored Milk Candies are a unique variation that only Xilonen can create. You must make sure she is in your character (not necessarily in your active party) before attempting to cook this dish.
Assuming the leaks are to be believed, after pulling for Xilonen, interact with any cooking device in the overworld and start cooking. Chocolate using Xilonen like the cook. Use the following ingredients to make it:
- x4 Cacahuatl
- x3 Milk
- x1 Sugar
Cacahuatl is an ingredient only available in Natlan. There are various ways to get it: take it from the overworld, buy from Cintli in the Stadium of the Holy Flame (max 15 per day), or get a daily supply from Expeditions.
Meanwhile, Milk can be purchased from any general supply store, and Sugar can be processed with Sweet Flowers. If you use Xilonen to cook Chocolate, there is a small chance that it will turn into Fruit Flavored Milk Bombs.
How to get Xilonen’s Special Dish Recipe in Genshin Impact (Chocolate)

Xilonen’s Special Dish is said to be based on Chocolate, so you need to find the Recipe for Chocolate instead. Go to the area circled in the image above, south of the Children of Echoes. You’ll find some Tepetlisauri surrounding a locked one Tender Breast. Defeat them to unlock the Chest, then loot it to get the Recipe for Chocolate.
Recovery effects of Chocolate and Fruit Flavored Milk Confectioneries
As Chocolates can restore Stamina, Fruit Flavored Milk Candies are expected to offer the same benefit but with enhanced effects. They are great to consume when your Stamina bar is dangerously low mid-climb.
- Chocolate – Restores 70/85/100 Endurance
- Fruit Flavored Milk Candies – Restores 130 Endurance
For more Natlan Special Dishes, check out our guide on Mualani’s Special Dish and How to cook it in Genshin Impact – Spend the Luck here on Pro Game Guides.