All Dead by Daylight Lara Croft Perks

The roster of DBD Survivor and Killer is large and full of many iconic characters in gaming and film such as Lara Croft. If you need more convincing to get her and not just the fact that it’s her, then check out all the benefits of Dead by Daylight Lara Croft below.
All the benefits of Lara Croft Survivor in DBD
Lara Croft is the Survivor available in the Tomb Raider DBD chapter. Just like every DBD Survivor, she has three unique Survivor perks in DBD.
Good name | Benevolent Description |
finality | – When you are healthy and fast vault through a window, your speed will be 20% faster. Finesse has a cooldown of 20/30/40 seconds. |
hardened | Hardened activates after you open a chest or clear a totem. Whenever you would shout (due to Killer buffs or powers), the Killer Aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds instead. |
Specialist | Every time you make a hit or open a chest, you can Token (up to three Tokens in one attempt). Whenever you perform a great skill repairing a gene, a Token will be consumed. For each Token, you will reduce the maximum generator progression by 2/3/4. |
While I do enjoy my Lithe, I can see finality quickly becoming part of my regular Survivor loadout. It allows you to do even faster fast vault through a window when you are healthy. If you prefer to run hunting benefits, this could work very well with Lithe because Finesse goes on cooling and does not give you exhaustion. It also helps that Finesse has a new vault animation that I love.
If you prefer to be stealthy and stay off the Killer’s radar, then hardened would be a great choice for your load. There are many Killer perks that will make a Survivor to shoutand this advantage is the best counter to that duration would work well with Hardened. That way you would hide all hints of where you are.
Gen speed will be easier with Specialist in your charge This perk will reduce the maximum generator progression, allowing you to reach the next generation faster. Combined with Sable’s Summons: Weaving Spidersthe Slayer will struggle to keep up if they don’t have any slow Perks.
If you want to know which Killers fans want but will probably never make it to the game, check out The Best DBD Killers That Will Never Happen in Pro Game Guides.