All Dragon Quest XI Marriage Options

RPGs can immerse us in more ways than one, especially when it comes to romance. The best outcome of romance is marriage, so here are all the Dragon Quest XI Marriage Options.
How Romance Works in Dragon Quest XI
Marriage in Dragon Quest XI is not available until the postgame, and it is more or less completely optional. In the postgame, you must rebuild Cobblestone and turn it into a vibrant village. It involves a lot of difficult battles and a lot of running around the world doing quests. Once the village is fully restored, you must complete The Trial of the Disciple.
After you beat the judgment, you can make a Wish, and one possibility is to live with one of the Dragon Quest XI characters forever. Although marriage is a very strange word in this game, according to the game's dialogue, you can only really marry your childhood sweetheart, Gemma.
All characters you can marry in Dragon's Quest XI
You can choose to “marry” any other of your party members, and we mean any, but this is more “living together” than marriage, especially with the male party members. The script is more flirtatious with the female members, and seems more like “living together.” Of course, in their dialogue, they talk about companionship, and they will always be there, but nothing along the lines of love, being a wife, or marriage as Gemma does.
All the characters you can marry in Dragon Quest XI are as follows:
- Gemma
- jade
- Rabbi
- Eric
- Hendrik
- Serena
- Veronica
- Sylvando
Related: How to farm metal slimes in Dragon Quest XI
How Coexistence works in Dragon Quest XI
Basically, cohabitation is where you are to live with that person for life, but you are not necessarily in a relationship. When you return home, you will find the person you “married” sleeping in a separate bed; it's like living with a best friend. Since Rab is the grandfather of the main character, marrying him is strange, but living together is perfectly acceptable. Living together as two people who love each other as a family is perfectly fine.
The game leaves it wide open to interpretation of what you choose to believe, which is honestly how it should be. It is cleverly written in a way that could be a wedding, something less, or even something more. Interpret it as you will, which is the key factor of any RPG. Let us give you some examples:
- Veronica: “We have the rest of our lives ahead of us, after all! The Amazing Veronica will be with you until the end!”
- Jade: “You know, I have a feeling there's nothing we can't overcome as long as we're together. Lucky we'll be together for a while, huh?”
- Rabbi: “I will never leave you all alone like this again, my boy. I promise you.”
- Sylvando: “And when I do, I know you'll be there, cheering me on every step of the way. We make a great team, you and me! The Big Sylvando and the even bigger Illumination!!
If you want, save in a new separate file, and after the trial choose each person you can marry. Then watch it and see who gives the best scene or dialogue. Reload your save, and do it again. This might take some time, but it's the best scenario if you're not sure which one to choose!
This is the playscript of each character's partner ending scenes!
For more articles on Dragon Quest XI, check out Where to buy the Gold Bridles in Dragon Quest 11 in Pro Game Guides.