All Excerpts from Bliss locations in Genshin Impact (Map)

Extracts of Bliss are collectibles that can be obtained in Genshin Impact’s limited summer map, Simulanka. They take the form of paper airplanes and can be used to get rewards in the Summertide Scales and Tales event from July 17, 2024 to August 27, 2024. Here’s where to find them all.
Where to find Excerpts of Happiness in Genshin Impact
The full map of Simulanka will slowly unlock over the event period, and we will continue to update this guide with more locations as new areas are revealed. Consider bookmarking this page to collect all the Excerpts from Happiness in Simulanka.
Forest of Blessings
Refer to the areas marked with stars above to find all 15 Excerpts of Happiness in the Forest of Blessings. Each one will reward you with three Extracts of Happiness, so you can get a total of 45 in this area, not including Chests. All the places are quite simple except the one marked with a pink starso follow the steps below to find it.

First, go to the Extract of Happiness marked with an orange star, which is located on top of a cliff. From there, slide down in the northeast direction to find the Extract of Happiness marked with a pink star floating in the air. You can alternatively reach it from the opposite cliff.
How to get and use Extracts of Happiness in Genshin Impact

Excerpts from Bliss can be obtained by approaching floating paper airplanes that can be found all around Simulanka. You don’t have to interact with them to get the rewards, so you might accidentally pick them up as you explore the area. Each paper airplane will give you three Extracts of Happiness. You can get more by looting Chests in Simulanka.

Extracts of Happiness can be used to get rewards in the Summer Gifts section of the Summertide Scales and Tales event. You must collect 125 Extracts of Happiness to get Kirara’s Dress, Ghost in Boots, and all Primogem rewards. This number can be reached without looting any Chests.
For more on Simulanka, check out our guide on How to attempt to complete the trial in the Cave of Eerie Murmurs in Genshin Impact – The Answer of the Lotus Leaves and Forest here on Pro Game Guides.