All Pirate Jetsam Locations (Map) in FF7 Rebirth

Your adventures in Gea will take you to the seas, where you can collect valuable resources, including those crucial to progress. This guide will show you how to find Pirate Jetseam in FF7 Rebirth.
Pirate Jetseam Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Location Guide
There is an easy and hard way to collect Pirate Jetseam in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. The easy way includes ending the The Quest of Pirate Kingwho will give you the Corsair's Compass. This compass can show you the Pirate's Jetseam location and enable Legendary Stacks. The hard way involves sailing around and looking for ocean parts with a blue hue.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Pirate King's Quest Guide
You need the map to start the Pirate King's Quest, and you'll find it at the port at Costa Del Sol, near the Tiny Bronco dock. The map features the Meridian Ocean and contains four unique landings that you should explore to find four treasures. You can access the map while navigating the ocean so you can easily find the berths.
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Of course, before you can access the treasure, you must defeat the villains guarding it. Once you have collected all four treasures, you can transmute them into Corsair's Compass. This compass is one of the accessories needed to progress in the game, but it can also help you find Pirate Jetseams. Once you get close to Pirate Jetseam, the Corsair Compass will point to it, making it easy to find.
How to find Pirate Jetseam without Corsair's Compass in FF7 Rebirth

It's much easier to find Pirate Jetseam when you already have Corsair's Compass, but there's a way to get around without it if you're feeling more adventurous. Just sail around the Meridian Ocean, and you'll see Pirate Jetseam pieces floating in the blue-hued ocean parts. Run through those parts, and you'll get a piece of Pirate Jetseam. This method requires a bit of luck, but it also works well.
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