
All Sanitization Zone console commands (and how to enter them)

It's not easy to fight hordes of infected (let's just call them zombies), but you can make your post-apocalyptic life a lot easier by using commands and cheat codes from the Infection Free Zone console. These monsters won't know what hit them.

List of all Infect Free Zone cheat codes and console commands

The main purpose of Infection Free Zone cheats is to allow you to quickly learn game mechanics without fear of being destroyed. Below, you'll find all the Infection Free Zone console commands and how to enter them.

Cheat Codes and Commands Description Type of command
SpawnSquadAtCursor Spawns a squad on the ground where you click Spawn
SpawnEnmigrantsAccept Any immigrants you see will join your community Spawn
Set Time Sets the time Settings
EndMission Completes a mission Mission
Set Day Sets the date Settings
Add WeatherForecastPoints Increases the number of Weather Forecast Points Resources
Show AllGroups All squads are visible Map
Add Science Materials Adds Science Materials needed for research Resources
Add Resources To Building Adds resources to a building. The amount may exceed the maximum building capacity Resources
Change Language Change to another language Settings
CompleteActiveMissions Completes all active missions Mission
SpawnGroupInBuilding Summons friends or enemies within a building Spawn
SpawnGroupsAtExpedition Summons friends or enemies on an expedition Spawn
Create a Wall Builds a wall of your choice. Spawn
Create FarmLand Builds a farm field Spawn
Show AllGroups Shows all units on the map Mission
SpawnBigSquadAtCursor Spawns a squad of soldiers. Spawn
SetTimeSpeed Speeds up time Settings
KillAllGroups Kills all groups on the map Spawn
KillWorker Kills workers Spawn
Spawn Immigrants Summons immigrants on the map Spawn
DestroyResourceCursor Removes resources Resources
SpawnVehicle Creates an empty vehicle on the map Spawn
SpawnVehicleGroupAtCursor Generates friends from enemies inside a vehicle Spawn
AdaptBuilding Upgrades an abandoned building into a structure you have erected. Map
Set FPSLimit Sets maximum fps Settings
SpawnSquadAt Summons a squad at selected coordinates Spawn
Unlock Content Allows access to all available buildings and resources Resources
Set LoggingLevel Sets recording speed Settings
Add EventTo Pool Activates an event Map
SetSoldierHP Specifies the amount of health of your squad members Spawn
Add Resources to HQ Add a resource you need to Headquarters Resources
Remove ResourcesFromHQ Removes resources from Headquarters Resources
Add Resources To Building Add a resource to the building of your choice Resources
SaveGame Save your game (not really a cheat, right?) Settings
Unlock ResearchType Unlocks specific research you need Map
ScavengeAllBuildings Shows available resources in the expedition area Map
SpawnRandomSquad Spawns a random squad with weapons inside a vehicle Spawn
HideFPS Stops showing fps. Settings
SpawnHordeAt Summons enemies at specified coordinates. Spawn
CreateGate Add a gate of a specific type Map
Create a ResourceCursor Adds a fixed amount of resources at a specific location. Add what you need and the amount Resources
DestroyResourceCursor Removes resources Resources
ShowAllVehicles Shows all vehicles on the map Map
AddResearchProgressPoints Speeds up your research Settings
SetSpawnPointVisualizationState I'll let you know as soon as I crack this! Spawn
AddWorkersToHQ Adds a certain number of workers to headquarters Spawn
Remove MoodModifier Removes mood modifiers Settings
AddMoodModifier Adds mood modifiers Settings
SpawnGroupAtCursor Generate a group of friends or enemies. Add inf_name_of_unit and some of them. Spawn
ClearNavData Resets navigation data. Settings
Unlock All Expeditions Unlocks expedition area restrictions Mission
StartWeatherFog Add or remove fog. Add false or true as you want. Map

Related: How to play with friends in Project Zomboid

How to activate cheats and enter Infect Free Zone console commands

Image by Pro Game Guides
  1. Launch an Infection Free Zone.
  2. Start the scenario.
  3. Press the tilde button (~) above the Tab button on your keyboard to open the console. If you have problems opening the console, check if your keyboard layout is QWERTY (US keyboard in the Windows settings)
  4. Click on the small one question mark button (?) on the right side of the command console.
  5. Write the Enable Cheats command start using cheats.
  6. Enter commands from an Infection Free Zone console, but don't forget to add values ​​(amounts) to certain cheats, because they won't work otherwise.

For more zombie action, check out 7 Days to Die Guide for Beginners at Pro Game Guides.

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