How to play a tank in Star Wars Hunters

Of the different character classes available in Star Wars: Hunters, the tank class is a must if you’re playing against skilled opponents. In this guide, I have explained the way these characters work so that you know how to play and master the tank class.
How to play every tank in Star Wars Hunters
The purpose of tank class characters is to distract the enemy while the support and damage class flank them. They can take more damage than other Hunters so don’t be afraid to get into fights. They are also great at defending when needed and can fight multiple targets at once.
How to play Sentinel in Star Wars: Hunters
Sentinel’s weapon of choice is the E-TTT Heavy Duty Repeater machine gun that can keep firing rounds until it overheats, so use it effectively to mow down targets. Each Hunter also has three unique abilities that you can take advantage of from time to time.
Sentinel can deploy a Battle Shield on his machine gun that can block incoming bullets for a while. It also improves weapon fire when active. In addition, you can activate or deactivate it when necessary. Sentinel’s Weapon Heat fires a stun shot that knocks the enemy down for a while, but keep in mind that it consumes some weapon heat.
If you find yourself up close and personal with your enemies, you can use the Barrel slam ability to counter them. This can throw off the enemy’s composition and move you away from them. The real treat is the Empire’s Best ultimate that, when used, summons two stormtroopers to aid you in battle temporarily.
How to play Grozz in Star Wars: Hunters

This Wookie master used Improv Clubs, which are modified droid arms built for melee combat. This weapon, along with his special abilities, make Grozz unbeatable up close if you learn how to use him effectively.
When you activate his Stampede ability, Grozz will charge forward, knocking out other enemies and capturing the main objective. Since close combat is his specialty, the Wookie also relies on his decisiveness War cry to restore his health to a great extent.
The third ability Grozz can use is called the reversal. He will slam his clubs into the ground, creating a massive shockwave that will launch and slow enemies in the distance. Because Grozz is built for fighting his enemies up close, he is quite vulnerable and often requires support from teammates. Finally, you can use his Boulder Strike ultimate to throw a huge rock that bounces around, stunning and damaging enemies.
How to play Slingshot in Star Wars: Hunters

Slingshot has the Twin Blaster Cannon, which is his weapon-with-ride. Use the trick shot ability to catapult forward with force and knock your enemies aside, damaging them in the process. You can also extract his Unstable Shield to protect you from bullets, but be careful because it will explode when destroyed.
Slingshot from Scatter bomb feature fires several rockets directly in front of him, damaging enemies. Keep in mind that the range of this ability is quite limited and should only be used when threats are present. For the ultimate ability, Rocket Stomp will cause the droid to jump up and down rapidly for a while, stunning and damaging enemies within range.
How to play Charr in Star Wars: Hunters

Charr uses the Scatter Gun shotgun that is extremely powerful up close thanks to its high damage output. Similar to Grozz, they also have a self-healing feature called Regen Booster. It gives the Hunter back some of their lost health and makes them invulnerable for a while. During this period, any incoming damage helps in healing and regenerates health.
You can also lay the Trap this is triggered when any enemy comes within its range. The affected enemy will then be held in place for a short moment, making them very vulnerable. If your enemy tries to run, you can activate the Laser Tether attach yourself to them so that they cannot leave. Finally, use Charr’s Ferocious Hunt ultimate to run around the battlefield like a manic melee attacking the enemies.
Star Wars: Fighters is a team-based shooter—so, focusing on choosing just your character can’t decide the outcome of the match. To find out how to build a perfect squadron of soldiers, check out Best Team Compositions in Star Wars Hunters.