All Treasure chest locations in South Park Snow Day

As South Park Snow Day’s missions became more challenging, I reached out for Treasure chests to recover health and stock up on Dark Matter and Toilet Paper to upgrade my stats. Here are all of the Treasure Chest locations in South Park Snow Day to help you beat the odds!
Full South Park Snow Day Treasure chest locations guide
Below you’ll find an in-depth list of all Treasure chest spawn points in South Park Snow Day. The list is sorted by mission areas and includes instructions on how to find them. In case you don’t find chests in the specified locations, remember that spawn frequency is randomized each time you start a mission. If you don’t see the chest during your first playthrough, it’ll appear the second time around.
Mission 1
Elves of the Cleft
Treasure chest #1 – Once you’ve reached the elven base, follow the trail below the ”Elves Only” sign. Go behind the frozen waterfall to find the first chest.

Treasure chest #2 – There’s another chest on top of the same waterfall. Exit the small cave and climb to the top, and then look to the right.

Upon entering the area, climb the train wagon on the right and open the chest to collect Toilet Paper.
Backcountry Adventures

Right as you’re about to talk to Jimmy, take a right and go to the end of the path to find a chest full of Toilet Paper.
Stark’s Pond

Treasure chest #1 – At Stark’s Pond, go to the dock and climb onto the roof of the canopy. A Power Treasure chest will be waiting for you, giving you upgrade an extra boost.

Treasure chest #2 – Pick up a cannonball and load it into the cannon. Fire the cannon into the blue ice block inside the cave, and you’ll discover a Treasure chest full of Toilet Paper and Dark Matter.

Treasure chest #3 – After destroying the first ice block, pick up the second cannonball next to the second chest. Load the cannon and fire at the ice block next to the barbecue to reveal the third chest.

Treasure chest #4 – Right before jumping onto the catapult after collecting the keys, open the chest next to the catapult and treat yourself to some Cheesy Poofs, Toilet Paper and Dark Matter.

Treasure chest #5 – After collecting keys from the train station and returning to Stark’s Pond, open the chest to the right before dropping down.

Treasure chest #6 – You successfully started the truck and freed Randy from the ice cave, only to get attacked by elves. After defeating them, pick the lock to find Jimmy, but stop before choosing your upgrade and going through the gate. Open the chest to the right of him and replenish your reserves of Toilet Paper and Dark Matter. Also, collect the Dark Matter from the puddle to the left.
Stark’s Pond Falls

Treasure chest #1 – Climb up the frozen waterfall and then look right. Enter the small cave and open the first chest in this area.

Treasure chest #2 – After defeating the ambush, go up to the second frozen waterfall and climb to the right. Go behind the waterfall to discover the second chest.

Treasure chest #3 – After collecting the gas tank for the truck, follow the path markers to Jimmy. Before you reach him, turn left at the tent and follow the path. Approach the snowman on top a small hill and open the Treasure chest on top of a snow-covered dumpster.
Elves of the Hill

After taking care of Elves of the Hill, head for the gate and turn left at the water truck. Right next to the tank is a hidden Treasure chest containing loads of Toilet Paper. The chest is almost invisible, and you’ll only be able to spot a glimpse of it after approaching the hood of the truck.
Train Station

Treasure chest #1 – The first chest is found underneath the train station. Once you’ve collected the keys, go right and follow the snowy slope next to the blue snow shovel. You’ll find two men camping, and a Treasure chest on the hill next to them.

Treasure chest #2 – Climb on top of the train station’s roof and look around. In a few seconds you’ll easily spot the second chest hidden behind the sign.

Treasure chest #3 – Head for the exit gate after collecting the keys, and look below the stairs to find another chest.

Treasure chest #4 – Climb on top of the train tracks to the right of the exit stairs. Follow the tracks until you reach a Cheesy Poofs box, a backpack and a Treasure chest.
Kyle Boss Fight

Once you’ve defeated Kyle, follow the path indicators to reach the Kupa Keep, but not before collecting Dark Matter from the chest at the gate.
Mission 2
Main Street

Treasure chest #1 – Before going down Main Street, turn right at the green snow-covered truck and go to the end of the alleyway. You’ll find a Power Treasure chest to boost your ability.

Treasure chest #2 – Get to the first building’s rooftop using the catapult. Climb up the wooden tower using boards and open the Dark Matter chest.

Treasure chest #3 – Stay on the same rooftop and go behind the vents to find the third chest, containing Dark Matter.

Treasure chest #4 – Drop down to the second rooftop of the lower building and look for the orange trampoline. There’s a fourth chest waiting for you right next to the trampoline.

Treasure chest #5 – between the deep snow pile and the second tower is another Dark Matter chest.

Treasure chest #6 – Jump across the street to the third building, and climb the tower on the rooftop. Chest number six contains more Dark Matter to upgrade your stats.

Treasure chest #7 – Drop to the right after opening the sixth chest, and there you’ll find the seventh as well.

Treasure chest #8 – On the building across from you you’ll find a dumpster leading to the second building, with the next chest on top of it.

Treasure chests #9 and #10 – Use the catapult to reach Freeman’s Tacos, and you’ll be rewarded with two more Treasure chests!

Treasure chest #11 – Keep crossing roofs until you reach an insurmountable gap. Look down the gap to see a chest in the truck’s bed.

Treasure chest #12 – In the alleyway behind Freeman’s Tacos, there’s a Treasure chest hidden behind a water truck. There’s Henrieta there as well!

Treasure chest #13 – In front of the water truck lies another Treasure chest full of Dark Matter.

Treasure chest #14 – Don’t go to the gate just yet. Before exiting, pick up some Toilet Paper from the chest in front of Jimmy.
Police Station

Treasure chest #1 – Turn right once you pass the green truck to find a toolbox and a Treasure chest next to it.

Treasure chest #2 – Blow up the ice block using a cannon one of the cannonballs scattered around the map.

Treasure chest #3 – Step onto the frozen lake and go left behind the entrance to find another chest.

Treasure chest #4 – Jump onto the entrance canopy to find the sixth chest in this area.
Mission 3
Ned and Jimbo

Treasure chest #1 – Go all the way to the end of the street and turn left. Go behind the truck to discover a toolbox and a Dark Matter chest next to it.

Treasure chest #2 – After entering the town area, turn left into an alley across the Cafe Monet. Climb the snow-covered Moovin van, jump onto the wooden platform. Open the Power Treasure chest to receive a Power upgrade.

Treasure chest #3 – The third chest is found on the balcony across from the City Wok building. To reach it, turn right into the ally between Cafe Monet and Nueva Familia. Climb onto the roof using the dumpster and the truck, and cross onto the next building using the plank or the trampoline. Drop onto the balcony overlooking the street and claim your prize.
Forbidden Manuscripts

Treasure chest #1 – As you’re about to pass the first gate while running from the death plow, jump onto the treehouse on the right and climb to the tallest platform. Open the chest to collect a Power boost and make yourself scarce ASAP.

Treasure chest #2 – Load the cannon and fire into the iceberg behind the van. After destroying the ice, collect the Treasure chest inside the van’s trunk.

Treasure chest #3 – Right before exiting the generator area, turn right and go behind the yellow dumpster to find the third chest.
Construction site

Treasure chest #1 – Climb all the way to the top of the construction site and collect the chest at the end of a long wooden board.

Treasure chest #2 – Go to the other end of the construction site’s roof using wooden platforms and trampolines. Open the purple chest to get a healthy dose of Dark Matter!

Treasure chest #3 – While on top of the construction site, collect the cannonball on top. Drop down, load it into the cannon and fire into the ice block next to the site.

Treasure chests #4 and #5 – Close to the ice block you’ll find a digger. Climb behind the digger and up the rocks to find two more chests.

Treasure chest #1 – The first chest is hidden inside the ice block. Collect the cannonball across from the theater and load it into the cannon at the start of the area. Destroy the ice block and collect the Power upgrade inside the Treasure chest.

Treasure chest #2 – In front of the theater, approach the snow-covered truck and climb onto the bed. Open the Power Treasure chest and collect the Power upgrade.

Treasure chest #3 – After dropping down into the theater from the rooftop, go behind the red ladder across from the cinema screen. You’ll find a Dark Matter Treasure chest filled to the brim with DM pickups.

Treasure chest #4 – Once you enter the theater room, defeat the enemies and use the catapult to go through the movie screen. Defeat the second group of enemies and go through the exit door. The fourth Treasure chest will be waiting for you at the start of the hallway.

Treasure chests #5 and #6 – Right behind the seventh chest you’ll see the exit out of the theater. Destroy the wooden pallet covering the wall across from the green dumpster. Here you’ll find Henrietta, a Dark Matter Treasure chest and a regular Treasure chest.

Treasure chest #7 – Before progressing further, you’ll need to find three cannonballs and fire them into the three ice blocks standing in your way. Before you move on, go to the far left of the exit and collect the Dark Matter from the purple Treasure chest.

Treasure chest #8 – The final Treasure chest before the Stan boss fight is right next to Jimmy. Open it to collect some Toilet Paper and Dark Matter, and then collect an upgrade from Jimmy.
Stan Boss Fight

Once Stan is defeated, a Treasure chest will appear right in front of the Kupa Keep portal. Although it looks like a normal chest, upon opening it you’ll receive a bunch of Dark Matter pickups. Collect those and go back to Kupa Keep.
Mission 4

Treasure chest #1 – At the start of the level, go right and behind the red snow-covered truck. You’ll find a Treasure chest with Toilet Paper, Cheesy Poofs and Dark Matter.

Treasure chest #2 – After defeating the second swarm of enemies, pick the lock and go left. Check behind the wall closest to the house on the left, and you’ll find a chest full of goodies.

Treasure chest #3 – Before continuing into the second fight, pick up a cannonball near the exit and load the cannon on top of the hill. Fire the cannon at the visible ice block to reveal a Power Treasure chest.

Treasure chests #4 and #5 – Climb the wooden platform in the second fighting arena to reveal two Treasure chests, hiding Power upgrades and other useful pickups.

Treasure chest #6 – Don’t go through the gate just yet! Turn left once you reach Jimmy, and climb on top of the tunnel. Look behind the red house to discover the sixth Treasure chest.
Treasure chest #7 – Pick up the cannonball in the orange tents area, pick the second lock and go through the gate. Find the cannon on the wooden fortress and aim it towards the third Treasure chest. Once you see the second ice block, destroy it to reveal the seventh chest. As a bonus, you’ll also get the third backpack!
Main Street

Treasure chest #1 – Go down Main Street and then turn right at the orange and green truck. Climb onto the bed of the truck parked next to the building and collect the Power upgrade from the chest.

Treasure chests #2 and #3 – Once you collect the first chest, go behind the building. You’ll find a purple Dark Matter chest in front of the water truck, and a regular chest next to the dumpster at the end of the alley.

Treasure chest #4 – Climb the truck next to the fence bars, climb onto the roof and go behind the snow wall. Open the chest and collect your reward.

Treasure chest #1 – Go past the ambulance and climb the snow hill next to the snowed-up van. Jump into the hole behind the hill and open the chest inside.

Treasure chests #2, #3 and #4 – While chasing Cartman you’ll come across a bowling ball. Pick it up and carry it to the gate. Pick the lock, climb over the obstacles and turn at the couch on the left to find the cannon. Load the cannon and shoot into the ice block to reveal a hole. Jump into the hole to find three Treasure chests and three boxes full of useful pickups.

Treasure chest #5 – Follow the path until you reach a building roof. Jump down and then go right, behind the deep snow pile. A glistening Power Treasure chest will be waiting for you to open it.

Treasure chest #6 – Turn right in front of the gate leading to the next arena and go behind the big tomb. Open the chest behind it and replenish yourself with TP and Cheesy Poofs.
Right as you’re about to pass through the gate, turn left in front of Jimmy and squeeze in between the tent and the rock. You’ll come across two toolboxes and a Power Treasure chest to give you a much-needed boost.
Cartman boss fight

Congratulations on defeating the Grand Wizard Eric! Claim your chest and return to the Kupa Keep to go to the next mission.
Mission 5
Reach the top of Hell’s Pass Hospital

Treasure chest #1 – After a short climb, you’ll reach a huge climbable rock. Pass the hockey stick sign and climb all the way up by following the cardboard signs. At the top, drop down through the opening, open the toolboxes and the Treasure chest at the far side of the cliff.

Treasure chest #2 – After defeating the enemies in front of the hospital, follow the path to the left past the ambulance. Go past the cannon and you’ll find a Dark Matter chest next to Henrietta.

Treasure chest #3 – The third chest requires you to blast through an ice block. Look for a cannonball between the trees, pick it up and load it into the cannon at the end of the path. Fire the cannon at the ice block left of the hospital and collect the goodies from the chest.

Treasure chest #4 – Pick up an upgrade from Jimmy and climb up to the third floor from the elevator shaft. Go down the hall and enter the room full of hospital beds. Open the purple Treasure chest and collect some Dark Matter.

Treasure chest #5 – Once you pick up the purple chest, go through the glass doors leading to a destroyed room. Stand in front of the icicles and jump up to reach the room above. Open the chest to receive some Toliet Paper and Dark Matter.

Treasure chest #6 – Reach the fourth floor by jumping onto the trampoline in the elevator shaft. Go left, and then turn left behind the door. In the corner behind the bed lies a purple Treasure chest holding Dark Matter pickups.

Treasure chests #7 and #8 – On the other side of the same room, two chests stand separated by a hospital bed. These contain a Power upgrade and a fresh dose of Dark Matter.

Treasure chest #9 – Turn right from the elevator shaft and approach the wheelchair. The ninth chest is tucked between the wheelchair and the wall.

Treasure chest #10 – Behind the wheelchair, check behind the furthermost hospital bed. It’s dimly lit, but you should be able to spot a purple Dark Matter chest.

Treasure chest #11 – At the elevator shaft on the fourth floor, turn right and then turn left behind the door. A Dark Matter chest will lie on top of the file cabinet.

Treasure chest #12 – Enter the room across from the elevator shaft on the fourth floor and then go right. Another Dark Matter chest will be waiting for you behind the hospital bed.

Treasure chest #13 – Walk past the intensive care counter and the lockers. Turn left at the giant hole in the floor, and then turn left behind the corner.

Treasure chest #14 – When looking at the thirteenth chest, turn 180 degrees and you’ll spot another chest at the end of the hallway.

Treasure chest #15 – Once you exit past the intensive care counter, turn to the right to spot the fifteenth chest full of Dark Matter.

Treasure chest #16 – Follow the wodden platforms until you reach a clearing between the hospital and the ice cave. Go towards the elf tunnel past the destroyed pink wall, and then turn left.

Treasure chest #17 – Behind the yellow destroyed wall hides a Dark Matter chest. Recharge your DM reserves and make your way up to the ice cave.

Treasure chest #18 – Unlock the catapult and use it to jump to the second catapult. Jump once again using the second catapult, turn to the edge of the wooden platform and jump across to the platform with a toolbox. Go to the cliff and jump down to Henrietta, and you’ll spot the Power chest next to her.

Treasure chest #19 – Finish off the enemies in the icy arena and make your way to the exit. Go left down the slope and open the chest next to the gate.

Treasure chest #20 – Continue down the slope at the gate and you’ll find a DM chest at the end of the path.

Treasure chest #21 – After reaching the previous chest, turn opposite the cliff to see a cave. Enter the cave to find a Power chest and toolboxes with valuable pickups.
Hankey’s Lair

This is the last chest in the game. Once you’ve defeated Mr. Hankey’s worm, head for the gate and open the chest in front of it to collect your well-earned spoils.