Ashika Island is cut from Warzone and fans think there was a better solution

Raven Software recently announced that the long-running Warzone map Ashika Island will be removed in Warzone Season 4. Unsurprisingly, the player base is not happy with the decision and wholeheartedly believes there was a better solution.
Justm16 took to Reddit to share the sad news that Ashika Island has been scrapped after Season 4 goes live. The comments throughout the thread consist of logical suggestions for preserving Ashika Island through rotation or even fixing the map’s problems—the poor lighting, time of day, and poor visibility. Honestly, any solution works better than removing otherwise solid content.
User _TheVengeful_ summed up the sentiment nicely, saying, “What a huge L. I understand that not everyone liked the map, the colors, the aesthetics…it’s a matter of preference, but cutting content from the game just because of it is bad for the game and the player base why not keep it in rotation?” This is a perfectly valid argument that is repeated throughout the thread. A rotation between Fortune’s Keep, Vondel, Ashika Island and Rebirth Island would give players plenty of content to keep things fresh. Apex Legends manages to utilize a rotating map, but for some reason Call of Duty keeps fumbling the bag.
Zealousideal_While26 has a similar take on the ordeal: “It’s a shame. Wasn’t my favorite, but when you have the rotation, it keeps the game fresh. As mentioned a thousand times, the map would also be great with a re-skin. with better weather Just a waste to get rid of completely.”
I enjoyed the aesthetics of Ashika Island and while the weather was average and the lighting hard to overlook, I still preferred it over other variants like Vondel. The latter had very little charm to it and my reaction to the load in the map was always a groan. However, a game of Vondel every hour isn’t the worst thing in the world and is definitely better than clearing the map entirely.
However, not everyone agrees. User Davecachia jumped into the conversation with a different view, saying, “Disagree. Make it so you can choose the map you want to play. I will actively wait for the timer when a map I don’t like is on rotation.” While I respect their view, splitting the player base across four modes (solo, duo, trio and quad), then having four different maps is not the solution. The Call of Duty servers will not be able to hold the stress of such an extensive game mode list, and finding a match for the average player will undoubtedly take significantly longer. All in all, the idea that all maps should be chosen by anyone is not the answer.
Regardless of whether you are someone who wants to choose their map or want a rotation, one thing is for sure, removing Ashika Island is another bad call by the developers. First Activision killed DMZ (the best game mode that wasn’t Warzone), then there was a lack of content for Modern Warfare Zombies, and now a completely playable map has been removed forever.
That’s all we have in Raven Software removing Ashika Island. If you’re looking for similar Call of Duty content, then check out the CoD community’s votes for the most wanted sequel and the results might surprise you here on Pro Game Guides.