Best Add-On Combos for all Items in Dead by Daylight

Besides Perks, Items are the most useful to bring into a trial. To make them even better, check out the best Add-on combos for all Items in Dead by Daylight
Best Survivor Addons to combine in DBD
There are a lot of Add-ons you can choose from for your Items, but honestly, a lot of them are pretty useless. Especially if you don't combine them correctly in your load. Here are the best Survivor Attachments that you can combine in a DBD.
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Best Add-on Combos for Toolboxes
There are Toolboxes specialized for either gen repair, sabo, or both in the rare case of the Green One So here are the best Toolbox Attachments whether you repair or sabo hooks in a trial.
- Brand New Part + Wire Spool / Socket Swivels – The best Addon you can bring to a match if the Brand New Part. If you use it correctly, you will reduce the change requirements by 10 Charges. If you miss out on the hard Grip Control, you'll still have either the Wire Spool for extra costs, which I recommend, or Socket Swivels with a speed increase.
- Wire spool + Rags – These two together will give you a lot of extra costs. They are especially useful with Toolboxes like the Engineer's or Mechanic's that already have repair speed.
- Hacksaw + Grip Wrench – The first Attachment increases Sabo speed by 20%, while the second Attachment increases the time it takes for hooks to respawn. At best, you will be able to reduce the number of Hooks in an area of the map where a Survivor is being chased, letting them escape the Slayer's grasp.
Best Add-On Combos for Med Gears
Med Kits are extremely useful, if not the most useful item in Dead by Daylight. You can use them to heal both your teammates and yourself. This is especially important if you have no healing perks or are playing solo a turn. Here are the best Attachments and Attachments for Med Gear.
- Anti-Hemorrhage Syringe or Styptic Agent—Since both of these Attachments consume the Med kit after you use it, you should bring one or the other. You can also bring both, but they don't stack, so one of these will basically be useless to you.
- Gel Dressings + Gauze Roll – the best combination if you want to get a lot of extra charges on your Med Kit. The Gel itself will give you one extra health status of 16 charges. The Gauze gives you 10 extra charges on top of that, which is useful even with the Brown Med Kit. You can also replace the Gaza Roll with Self Adhesive Wrap for less charges but a slight increase in healing speed instead.
- Gel Dressings + Surgical Suture – Another combo that works to extend your use of Med Kit, Gel Dressings with extra charges and Surgical Suture with increasing the number of Ability Checks as well as increasing the Progress bonus if you hit Large Ability Checks. So, if you are really good at hitting that small area, then definitely go with this combo.
Best Add-On Combos for Lanterns
Flashlights are very useful to stun the Slayer and prolong the chase, but it is very difficult to learn how to use them. Even after so many hours, I'm still struggling to hit the Slayers with the beam correctly. Here are some Add-ons that should make blinding the Assassin easier for you.
- Advanced Sapphire Lens + Inta Halogen – With these combinations, your lanterns will get a pretty big boost. You will get an increase in range from the Beam and an increase in brightness from both Attachments and an increase in duration of Blind. With the Advanced Sapphire Lens, your beam will also be thinner. If a wider beam works better for you, then replace this Add-on with the Focusing Lens.
- Intense Halogen + Long Life Battery – Intense Halogen increases the brightness of the Radio and also the duration of the blind, while Long Life Battery extends the battery life by six seconds. This allows you to stun the Assassin for longer while also having some extra juice.
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Best Addon Combos for Maps
There are only two maps, and the Add-ons on them depend on which one you choose to bring. The Rainbow map tracks a lot more than the green one, so it will need a little extra help.
- Black Silk Cord + Red Cord – If you don't have the Rainbow map, I suggest bringing these Add-ons along with the Perk Detective's Hunch to trace even more through the map. Black Silk Cord lets you track the Hatch, which is useful if you're last in a trial, while Red Twine lets you track the Possessions of a murderer.
- Odd Stamp + Unusual Stamp – If you want to increase the scope of your map, you should import both of these Add-ons. They work best with the Rainbow map because you'll be tracking more items that way, not just generators.
- Crystal Bead + Odd Stamp – As mentioned above, Odd Stamp increases the range of tracked items, while the Crystal Bead reveals all Auras of tracked items to all Survivors. This is useful in both solo and SWF teams.
Best Add-On Combos for Keys
The Green Key is good for Aura reading, but it doesn't have any ability to unlock the Hatch. I suggest always using the one that can unlock it, just as a precaution. You never know when you will be the last one standing and if you will find the Hatch before the Killer closes it.
- Prayer Beads + Blood Amber – Blood Amber is an Addon that reveals the Slayer's aura when he is in range and you use Mind Channel. Since this Attachment has an increased cooldown time, use it with Prayer Beads to increase the Use Time of Keys.
- Woven Ring – Can work with any other Add-on, but is very useful if you don't have many Keys and want to save them. If you die, the Woven Ring will be consumed instead of the Key.
Firecrackers have no Attachments, so their success is based solely on your skill (I have no skill with them). The advantage of Flash Grenades from Leon also falls into this area, as you create them within a trial, so you can't equip attachments before that.
If you want more help with your chances of survival, check out Best Survival Buildings in Dead by Daylight in Pro Game Guides.