Best starting bases in ARK Scorched Earth Ascended

Choosing the right location for my base is very important in ARK Survival Ascended, and making the wrong choice can detract from my survival efforts. To help you start your game off on the right foot, here are the best starting bases in ARK Scorched Earth Ascended.
Best starting base locations in ARK Survival Ascended Scorched Earth – Map and coordinates
These places stand out thanks to their proximity to resources, wind rate and the protection capabilities. They're also not as populated by dangerous animals and have plenty of flat surfaces to bring your basic designs to life, giving you a head start in the game.
Initial base number 1 – Coordinates 59.9, 54
Right next to the river I found a lot of flat surfaces that make great starting bases. You will find a lot of oil, metal and water near these coordinates, and there is also a decent wind percentage that allows me to build wind turbines to collect electricity and power my base.
Starting base #2 – Coordinates 67, 60.9

This starting base location is close to both a river and a Water Well, giving you the option to create a water tap. The rocks above these coordinates are rich in crystals and obsidian, and you can build your base against the rock for extra protection.
Related: How to deal with heat in ARK Scorched Earth Ascended
Starting base #3 – Coordinates 55.8, 62.8

A little further north, I found yet another flat surface rich in construction possibilities. This area boasts a wind percentage of 65; it is close to a body of water and placed right next to a giant rock rich in minerals. You can't go wrong here.
Starting base #4 – Coordinates 41.3, 53.8

The fourth base location on this list is a bit further north, and it's also close to the river. This base location is closest to the center of the map, with a nearby natural canyon bridge that provides an amazing view. With decent wind power, an area rich in oil veins, and Rex spawning nearby, you'll be able to tame some dinos and build yourself a fantastic hideout.
Starting base #5 – Coordinates 74.3, 69.7

Probably the best looking place on this list, these coordinates lie hidden beneath the giant red rock formation south of the river. The mountains are nearby, and the wind percentage of 65 is enough to provide a lot of electricity. If you're in the mood to hunt and tame, the desert is just around the corner.
Starting base #6 – Coordinates 72.1, 59.9

This base location has the best wind percentage, sitting at a whopping 100 percent. If you can reach these coordinates faster than other players, you will have a base next to dunes but away from danger. The river is close to the west, and there are plenty of flat surfaces to let your creative juices flow.
Starting base #7 – Coordinates 80.7, 40.7

In those coordinates lies an abandoned fortress ready to take the next inhabitant. The walls protect by giving you an extra flat surface to build on the foundations. The distance to a body of water is the only problem that I solved by installing water tanks and visiting nearby wells. A wind rate of 80 gives you a huge power boost, making this the best place to be!
Want to find the fabulous Oasis Cave? Check out Oasis Cave Location in ARK Scorched Earth Ascended (Map) at Pro Game Guides!