Best Wandering Crew in Lost Ark

Once you set sail to explore the seas in MMORPG Lost Ark, you’ll want the fastest ship around. But once you’ve gotten yourself the Astay from Black Fang Island, what’s the best Astray crew you can pick up in Lost Ark?
What is the best Astray crew in Lost Ark?
As you might expect from pirate captain Blackfang’s ship of choice, the Astray is the fastest ship available to you in Lost Ark. Once you get the Stray up to Level 10, you’ll have the maximum number of five crew slots available, with each crew member giving a mix of positive and negative traits to balance out if you want to be the best crew on the high seas.
You can change your crew whenever you’re in port from any of your available crew for the Astray, so sometimes you might want to mix things up depending on what you want to do. But for a balanced rew you can plug and play, go for the following five crew members. I’ve described how to get your hands on each of them below.
Note that you will have to grind your way to these crew members over a long period of time. Therefore, I have listed some good alternatives and easier to obtain crews below to keep you going until you have the full elite crew on your ship. Also note that while it’s thematically weird, you can equip the same crew member multiple times (Legendary, Relic, Epic etc).
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Barakas (legendary)
Gador, random sale, 8k Raid Seals
Legendary Barakas gives you +1.3 Knots maximum speed on the Astray, along with three strong resistance bonuses with +16 Resistance to Siren Seas, +9 Resistance to Dead Waters, and +9 Cold resistance These positives are slightly marred by -11 Sandstorm Seas resistance and the minor -2 to both Kelp Beds and Tempest Seas. As long as you can avoid those sandstorm seas, or cover the negatives with shipmates like Blackfang, Barakas is a great addition to your crew.
Barakas (Remnant)
Spearfish Guild Ship (Punic Port), 14k Sun Coins
The key to a great crew in Lost Ark is to balance any negatives you get with positives from other crew members. Legendary Barakas shines here, giving you a huge +21 Siren Seas Resistance accelerate alongside +12 to both Dead Waters and Cold Snap. When you add solid +1.6 Knots at your top speed, you have a great crew. The only real downside is the -16 Kelp Beds resistance, but Blackfang (below) will make up for this.
Black Fang (Legendary)
Shipwreck chest random reward
As a crew member, Blackfang is all about speed. The legendary version gives you a nice +1.7 Knots of speed as well as the skill level 2 Tailwind, which improves the rate at which you recover your Fast Sailing. You’ll also benefit from +9 Kelp Bed, +5 Coldsnap, and +5 Sandstorm resistance with the only real downside being -10 resistance on Siren Seas. The many positives easily outweigh the negatives here, especially since adding Relic Blackfang and Legendary Barakas will easily negate Siren Seas’ punishment.
Black Fang (Remnant)
Keith on the Island of Fog, 1 Tears of the Abyss
If you wanted to be the fastest ship at sea, you’ll want the relic version of Blackfang on your crew. She adds a a massive +2.3 Knots to your ship speed, as well as +11 Kelp Bed, +7 Mermaid Sea, and +8 Sandstorm resistance. The one big downside is -15 to Dead Water resistance, so stay out of that where possible or mitigate it with other crew members. Relic Blackfang also gives you the level 3 Tailwind skill which gives a nice passive bonus Fast Sailing. However, this ability doesn’t stack so it’s just a small upgrade from Legendary Blackfang. Relic Blckfand is generally considered to be the number one crew member for the Stray.
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William (Remnant)
Plumpcrab Guild Ship (Punic Harbor), 145k Pirate Coins
If you want the best set of resists to compliment the rest of your Astray crew, Relic Wilhelm is your man. He gives you +21 Dead Water Resistance and +18 resistance to Cold Snap Seas, Sandstorm Seas, and Tempest Seas. Unfortunately, this comes with a -13 resistance to Kelp Beds and Mermaid Seas, but the plus points make this a sacrifice worth making. Another downside is the large cost because you’ll likely have other things you’ll want to spend those Pirate Coins on.
Easier cheaper Astray crew options in Lost Ark
As you work your way up to the top tier Astray crew above, these are some good alternatives to fill in the gaps as you grind for them.
- Wilhelm (legendary): You can pick up a Legendary Wilhem in Saha as a random sale item for about 8k Raids Seals. While not as good as the Relic version, you get almost 60 points in resistances (including +17 Dead Waters) with only a -24 negative.
- Black Fang (Epic): You won’t get better than +1.4 Knots of speed on the Stray early on, which you’ll get from Epic Blackfang. Her resistances are nothing to write home about, but you get the Tailwind skill at level 1, which gives a small but welcome Fast Sailing bonus. You will also get this one for free as you have to reach the required trust level with Blackfang (to get this) to get the Astray Blueprint.
- Rose (Epic): If you can soak up a -14 hit to Siren Seas resistance, Epic Rosa is a nice crew addition in the Wilhelm mold. She gives +6 Dead Waters resistance along with +9 Tempest Seas resistance, while only costing 20k Pirate Coins from Atrapos or a random reward from Kalhertz.
For more on Lost Ark here on Pro Game Guides, check out How to get unbanned in Lost Ark – Ban Appeal, Lost Ark Brelshaza Cheat Sheet and more!