
Complete Guide to Demonology Ghosts – Roblox

Demonology is a popular Roblox Horror experience, similar to the likes of Phasmophobia. You can hunt different types of ghosts together with your friends or even alone. With 16 different types of ghosts to identify, it can be quite a challenge to get it right. So, to help you with that, we’ve compiled this detailed guide covering every ghost in Demonology, their details, and even how to deal with them.

All Demonology Ghosts Guide

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Among the 16 currently available ghosts in Demonologysome of them may be pretty obvious to recognize, while others might give you a hard time or even hunt you down relentlessly. In addition, you can take advantage of each ghost’s strengths and weaknesses to recognize them.

Also, each ghost in Demonology spawns at a random ratebut some of them still have higher or slower speeds, which we will mention to help you be prepared if you find yourself being chased by a ghost. There are also things like flickering lights, breaking glass, or even open-closed doors that any ghost can do randomly, these are not solid evidence you can use to identify their type.


Spirit in Demonology
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name speed strength Weakness
spirit Slow-Medium No one No one

The Spirit is one of the easiest ghosts to deal with, in Demonology. Having no decent traits, strengths or even weaknessesthey can be identified relatively easily with Ghost Writing, Spirit Boxes, and Handprints.


Wraith in Demonology
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name speed strength Weakness
Wraith Slow-Medium Drains 0.2% of players’ energy during overtime. Will avoid Salon at all costs.

The Ghost is too one of the easier ghosts to deal with in Demonology. It does drain your energy pretty quickly overtime, and hunts often. Its biggest weakness is that avoid stepping on salt at all costs This also makes it the easiest ghost to identify, requiring evidence such as EMF Level 5, Spirit Box, and Laser Projector.


Ghoul in Demonology
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name speed strength Weakness
Ghoul medium Chance to start hunting using Spirit Box Can’t turn off electronics

The Ghoul is one of the more aggressive ghosts in Demonology, having the trait of starting to hunt when asked with the Spirit Box. It cannot turn off flashlights or other electronics during the hunt, unlike other ghosts. Because of this, the easiest way to identify a Ghoul is, if your Spirit Box works during the hunt, it is confirmed to be a Ghoul. Without hunting, you would need to find Freezing Times and Ghost Eyes too.


Ghost in Demonology
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name speed strength Weakness
Ghost Quickly Can move quickly through rooms Unlikely to hunt when in a group

The Ghost is one of the fastest ghosts in Demonology, like Umbra or Shadow. It can move so fast through rooms that you can even see it move if you look closely. Fortunately, it has a much lower chance of hunting when there is a group of people inside, but the chances are not completely zero. So, you would need to EMF Level 5, Handprints, and Ghost Eyes evidence to confirm its identity.


Shadow in Demonology
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name speed strength Weakness
shadow Slow-Fast Has lower temperature changes Walks more slowly in lit rooms

The Shadow is one of the more unique Ghosts in Demonology. It drastically changes its movement speed depending on the lighting of the room. If you are in a lit room, it will move slowly, while in the dark without flashlights, it will move significantly faster. This makes it easy to notice as you can notice the gear change when the lights flicker during a hunt. It also changes temperatures very slightly, and you will need EMF Level 5, Ghost Writing, and Laser Projector to confirm it.


Demon in Demonology
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name speed strength Weakness
Demon medium Hunt has a low cooldown and occurs frequently No one

The Demon is one of the hardest ghosts to deal within Demonology. It has a higher hunt rate and lower cooldown, making it hunt more than any other ghost. In addition, it lacks any weakness and can only be identified by EMF Level 5, Handprints, and Freezing Temp. If you play on higher difficulties, the Demon will hunt incessantly when it beginsmaking it fairly obvious to identify.


Specter in Demonology
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name speed strength Weakness
Spectrum Slow-Medium More likely to throw items Don’t tend to wander

Spectra are generally more docile in Demonology, except in higher difficulty levels. They do throw items quite often and don’t wander around much. You can use Laser Projection to see if they roam, and if not, then it’s probably a Spectre. Other than that, you would need to EMF Level 5, Freezing Temperatures and Laser Projection to confirm its identity.


Entity in Demonology
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name speed strength Weakness
An entity medium Can teleport from one place to another Very unlikely to throw items

One of the more tricky ghosts to deal with is the Unit in Demonology. It has the unique power to teleport from one room to another, and passively as well as during the hunt. Also, it can teleport back to its original location and sometimes even close to players. You can try observe the location of the ghost during a hunt to see if it teleports. If you can’t, you should get one Spirit Box, Handprints and Laser Projection evidence to identify it.


Skinwalker in Demonology
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name speed strength Weakness
Skinwalker Slow-Medium Can fake evidence of ghost orbs Interact with objects frequently

The Skinwalker can be a somewhat difficult to identify and is similar to the likes of Phasmophobia’s Mimic. They have a chance to fake the evidence of Ghost Orbs in the room it haunts and often interact, meaning opening or closing doors. The best way to identify it would be carry a Spirit Box and ask often. When it answers, you will get the rest of the clue as Frozen Temps and Ghost Writing quite easily.


Banshee in Demonology
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name speed strength Weakness
Banshee medium Can break glass very often No one

The Banshee is one of the simpler ghosts to identify. Their strength, which often breaks glass, is the greatest gift of their identity. Other ghosts rarely break glass, maybe once in the entire game, but Banshees do it more often. So, if you spot broken glass, it’s very likely a Banshee. Seeing some if not all the evidence as Ghost Explosions, Handprints and Freezing Temperatures can also help you ensure.


Wendigo in Demonology
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name speed strength Weakness
Wendigo Medium Fast Twice as likely to hunt Prefer to hunt groups

The Wendigo is a ghost similar to the Demon and has a high chase, especially when a group of people is inside the building. Although the Demon will hunt most often, the Wendigo is just as dangerous, especially on higher difficulty levels. Your best bet would be identify it using evidence such as Ghost Orbs, Ghost Writing and Laser Projection as quickly as possible.

a nightmare

A Nightmare in Demonology
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name speed strength Weakness
a nightmare Slow-Medium May cause hallucinations Fear of light

The Nightmare is a ghost that can be quite hard to spot. It can cause hallucinations in players, and is also afraid of light. that means, light flickering will be more commonEspecially if the lights in the room its haunted, are on. You can use evidence like EMP Level 5, Spirit Box, and Ghost Orbs to confirm its identification.


Leviathan in Demonology
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name speed strength Weakness
Leviathan Slow-Medium Can turn off lights passively Can throw multiple objects

The Leviathan, while dangerous, is one of the easier ghosts to spot. It can turn off the light switch in rooms passively, not during a hunt. Moreover, it is the most common ghost to throw items in Demonology. So, if you notice these two phenomena, then you can be almost sure that it is Leviathan. You can collect evidence like Ghost Orbs, Ghost Writings, and Handprints to be more certain.


One in Demonology
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name speed strength Weakness
One fastest Extremely fast when hunting Appears more often in Laser Projection

The Oni is the fastest ghost in Demonology. It moves even faster when hunting and has the same speed as a sprinting player. Its only weakness is that it is more likely to appear during Laser Projections. Besides that, having proofs like Spirit Box and Freeze Times is enough to confirm its identity.


Umbra in Demonology
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name speed strength Weakness
Umbra Medium Fast Don’t make footsteps Move more slowly in lit rooms

As mentioned before, the Umbra is a ghost similar to the Shadow. It does not make any step sound while moving and also moves more slowly in lighted rooms. But, it moves faster when there is no light in a room Similarly, you can notice this obvious speed change, especially when hunting. You can also get Ghost Orbs, Laser Projections, and Handprints evidence just to be sure.


Returning in Demonology
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name speed strength Weakness
Returning medium Hunt cooldown is low Stops hunting after a player is killed

The Revenant is another aggressive Ghost in Demonology. It has a low chase cooling, that is it can hunt fasterbut not so often (as it depends on the hunting rate). Also, it stops hunting the moment it kills a player while hunting, which is not the case for other ghosts. So, if the Ghost stops as soon as a player dies during a hunt, it is guaranteed to be a Revenant.. Apart from that, evidence like Ghost Writing, EMF Level 5, and Freezing Temp also confirm its identity.

For more on Roblox, check out How to Beat All Monsters in Grace – Roblox or How to Get All Badges in Grace – Roblox in Pro Game Guides!

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