Deepwoken Chainwarden Progress Guide – How to Get and Max it

In Deepwoken, Oaths are beliefs that your character must follow, which gives him special abilities to use against his opponents. Chainwarden is a useful Oath that you can get from The Eastern Luminator. Our Chainwarden progression guide will help you get it and max it out quickly.
How to get Chainwarden in Deepwoken
The Chainwarden Oath allows you bind your enemy with a chain crippling their movement and making them vulnerable. It also gives you a Wildcard Mantra and two Combat Mantra slots. In order to obtain this Oath, you must obtain the whereabouts of a bounty from Deputy Warden Morredh.
First, you must complete the following requirements to start the Chainwarden quest:
- Friendly Reputation with The Central Authority: You must have at least a Friendly representative (or above) with The Central Authority faction (see image above). To gain more reputation for this faction, you will need to complete events, jobs and bounty hunts for them.
- Total 40 points in Strength, Fortitude and Willpower: A cumulative 40 points in these three attributes is necessary if you want to unlock Chainwarden. You can either have all 40 points in one attribute, or it can be randomly split across all three.
How to get to The Eastern Luminary
If you are new to Deepwoken and don’t know how to get to The Eastern Luminant, start by going to the docks and building yourself a boat. Get on the boat and turn right from the docks to the archway (see first picture above). Sail through the passage and go in the same direction until you reach the entrance shown in the second image. Enter and wait a moment for the map to load, after which you will be in the area of The Eastern Shining.
Where to find the Prison and Warden Morredh
Take your time and sail across The Aratel Sea to reach the point marked on the map above. Move to the symbol marking the Fort Merit Harbor Antiquarian (second image). First, use the elevator (third picture) to get to the top of the hill. Once up, follow the pointers shown in pictures four through seven above to get to the Jail (it’s next to the Antiquarian).

Enter the Prison, and Deputy Warden Morredh will be in the hall on the left (see the picture above). Talk to him, and he’ll tell you a short story about an individual capturing his soldiers and keeping them captive in a secret fortress. Accept the warden’s offer to bring the deserter Emar Vend from Summer Isle.
Where to find the deserter Emar Vend
I marked the location of the abandoned fortress where Emar Vend is located on the map above. To get to the Summer Isle fort, I returned to the port of Fort Merit and took a boat from there. The fort is situated at the point marked in the second picture. You can climb up the rocks from the dock to get there. Look for an opening inside the keep that should lead you to the basement (fourth picture).
You will find a Chained Captive NPC that you need to talk to and free there. After you leave the basement, taking the ladder back to the fortress, you will be surprised to be attacked by an Emar Vend NPC. Defeat the boss, and you can execute him to receive the Chainwarden Oath and the Restrain Mantra, which binds the enemy to you with a chain.
How to progress Chainwarden in Deepwoken
Once equipped, Chainwarden will give you the Mantra slots, as mentioned before, and you’ll also get a visual appearance change. Your character will now have a chain around his waist and left arm. To progress the Chainguard Oath, you must eliminate enemies who have a negative reputation with The Central Authority while they are chained to you.
These can be other players on the server or the following NPCs who are enemies of The Central Authority:
- Duke Erisia: Found inside the Duke Erisia’s Manor (Lab) in Upper Erisia of The Etrean Luminant territory.
- Master Evengarde Rest: Found inside the Temple of the Blade in the Isle of Vigils of The Etrean Luminant territory.
- The Ferryman: Found in the Boatman’s Watch, an island in the Voidsea of The Eastern Luminant territory.
Since we’re already in The Eastern Luminant, going after The Ferryman is a good idea. When fighting the NPC, use the Restin Mantra before every hit, or at least when you think he’s going to die. That way, you’ll have the enemy chained when he dies and progress the Oath Chain Guard. You only need to do this twice to fully progress the Oath and unlock the Eternal Wrath Mantra, a passive trait whereby each successive hit will increase Restrain’s damage.
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