Does seeing your breath in Phasmophobia mean frozen time?

When it comes to hunting down any type of ghost in Phasmophobia, there are certain unwritten clues to look for when tracking down your ghostly culprit. One such clue is visible breath with freezing temperatures, but there is more than you may realize. Here’s our handy guide that answers if seeing your breath in Phasmophobia means freezing times.
What does it mean to see your breath to freeze in Phasmophobia
You may notice when hunting a ghost in Phasmophobia that you can sometimes see your breath in front of you, which means that the area you are in is (often) unusually cold. This may indeed be an indicator of ‘Freezing Temperatures’ evidence (in your Journal) but don’t immediately jump to that conclusion because it can mean other things as well.
For example, sometimes when you arrive at your chosen haunted location, the weather of choice may be snowfall. When that is the case, most of the explorable areas of that location will be cold by default. You may see your breath in every room of the house or building you pass through, so consider that situational possibility when checking for that evidence.
Also, even when you find the ghost’s designated room/area, the room will be noticeably colder than the rest, and you will very likely see your breath while standing in it. However, it does not automatically mean that the temperature in the room will drop below zero. It may be a ghost that doesn’t fall into that category of evidence, so don’t judge your findings based simply on visible breath.
You may also notice that some ghosts will spawn occasionally “ghost fog” mini-events this can happen whether or not you are in the intended room. These look very similar to the “cold breath” animations, but they are not a temperature indicator.
However, you can take a picture of them as a source of “activity” if you wish (they don’t count as a ghost picture!). The One there is also a specific type of ghost that cannot create these “foggy” events, so seeing one can at least help you rule that one out. Walking rates are also another exceptional type of unwritten clue to look for.
Be sure to check out all our latest Phasmophobia gaming guides and news here at Pro Gaming Guides, like What is the Phasmophobia Console Release Date? (Update).