Ex-Rockstar Games Dev reveals a closed pitch for GTA V Combat Rehaul

A former animated rock music game, who worked on their most recent editions, shared details about their time at the company. During a new interview, the ex-employee also revealed a shake to fight, that he participated for GTA V.
Mike York worked at Rockstar Games’s New Janglia Office between 2012 and 2017. This meant that he has a hand in the development of both Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption 2. Some of the specific jobs he did for GTA V, include character Changing animations between the tripod. For a red dead redemption 2 he mostly focused on animals like the poke.
The animist spoke with Kiwi TalkzA channel that mainly interviews game developers about their stories. An interesting topic of who spoke to York is when companies do not take feedback from their developers when it comes to things like processes. The Animator stated that companies have invested so much time and money in their development manifold that they are afraid to restore and try new things.
As for GTA V’s combat system, Mike shared an idea he had for it. He wanted to “repair as you swing/pricks” taking the existing animations, tuning them slightly, making them feel better on the controller. What inspired York’s thought process was the last of us. It was released a few months before GTA V came out and he played through it. He took the “fresh things” they did in that game to Rockstar, who were not interested at all.
Thus you grow up as a team and as you make better games. You need to be open to the feedback of people who actually work on the game and create the game for you. But many times companies get very much, you know very closely.
Be sure to watch the full interview with the animator here. Kiwi Talkz formerly another developer of Rockstar games to learn about the culture of the company, which was not so pleasant at times. You can read all about it here.
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