
Final Kingdoms of Pixel -beginner guide

ROP Tech & Magic is all but a simple gacha game, and there are noob traps that can return you a lot, especially if you roll like F2P. So, we decided to empty every mechanic and give you a clear way to follow as you progress. This is our Final Kingdoms of Pixel -beginner guide!

Kingdoms of Pixel Tech & Magic Beginner guide and frequent questions

How to redeem codes

The first important thing you want to do after logging in realms of a pixel and finish the tutorial, redeems the codes for some extra currency and calling. You can do that by clicking your Avatar at the upper left and then Redeem a code in the lower right.

Regular recruitment and fractional recruit – as calling works

The two most important sources of new heroes and duppets in Pixel’s kingdoms are the Regular hero recruitment and the Fractional recruit. The hero recruit, implicitly, has three banners (Byddy, Special, Friend) with different monetary demands and probability of gaining 5✦ heroes. They all have a common mystical recruiting compassion that allows you to guarantee 5✦ heroes after you reach VIP 2.

Now the most important of these three default banners is the A special recruit. Generally you have to Never use gems Instead of tickets for the special recruit because you can get tickets at lower prices of various shops and promotions.

About the Fractional recruit. Here, you should Just call the Advent/Ascension (Dark/Light) Banner, as it is one of the very few places in the game where you can actually get Advent/Ascending heroes. Here, you can also use Heroic exchange to Exchange bad 5✦ heroes of the three tiny factions for the possibility of getting good.

Heroes – best heroes to use

The maximum number of heroes in most fashions in a pixel kingdoms is six, which means you want Focus all your resources on the six best heroes you have. Fortunately, Restorations are freeAnd you can test different heroes as much as you want. For a quick supervision of which heroes are best and why, check our Ranes of pixel level. For the early game, use these heroes:

  • Lightbane: The only epic hero worthy to use. Have a solid back row DPS.
  • Sakura blade: Solid front row dps.
  • Blossomfly: Excellent back row DPS and also applies poison.
  • A mystical claw: The best legendary hero with extremely good back rows DPS.
  • Moonshadow: You get her for free, and her execution is extremely convenient if you can reliably bring the enemy back to low HP.

What to buy in shops – where to spend a coin

There are so many shops in Pixel Kingdoms for different gameplay modes and coins, and wisely spending your resources is most important. Here is a brief overview of each shop and what things you want to buy in each of them.

Daily Shop

The Daily Shop Refreshes every 24 hours and contains basic resources. Buy only Star grimoire (Free), Star Isle Visa (25 gems), and Ascending ridge (80 gems). Fractional dreams (1,000 gems) are a bad value if you are F2P.

A mysterious shop

In the A mysterious shopYou can buy items with a discount with five free refreshments daily. Never refresh using gems. Look for Fraction Rev stone (600 gems), Star Isle Visa (150 gems), An experienced potion (1,000k gold), Ascending ridges (300k gold), Star Isle Pass (20k gold), and Arena Challenge Coupon (20k gold). You can mark these items by clicking on marked items in the middle. Don’t buy other items.

Hero shop

The Hero shop Contains several strong heroes that you can consistent. The priority is Vanquisher> Shadow Queen> Sword Wise. All other heroes are low-priority, and the possibilities are that you won’t have enough to buy them all. Never buy the random characters for the minor factions.

Guild shop

The Guild shop refreshes each week, and you need to focus on the 5-star hero (2,000 guild coins) and red 3✦ equipment (20,000 guild coins per piece). All heroic fragments are unrelated, so don’t waste a coin on them.

Arena shop

In the arena store, you want to focus on getting Fractional dreamsAnd then you will also need to buy Waking potion/elixir/flag And Sleeping watches. The heroic fragments are unrelated, and you never have to buy them.

Class shop

The Class shop Refreshes every 7 days and contains some of the strongest heroes in the game. Your priority is Ember Maiden> Shadow Queen> Aura Knight> Sword Wise. Everything else is just a low priority.

Heaven -shop

The Sky -Shop also contains some of the best heroes in the game, as as well as liquid gold watcheswhich you will need for heroic role -playing games. The heroic shard priorities are Lunar wit And Abission queen. Everything else is a low-priority.

Shattered shop

The Shattered shop have very few good offers, the best are An expedition dice,, Waking potion/elixir/flagand the Sleeping clock. You can also buy ascending ridges in the early game, although the value is not that great.

Fractional Shop

The faction shop has all the heroes in the game, and here you want Buy only the best. Again, check our Ranes of pixel level for the complete paddle. Also, Buy only the advent/ascendant heroesBecause these are the hardest to continue the long run.

Ruins shop

The Ruins shop contains only one good hero screw, and that’s for Aura knight. Besides her, you must try to get the An open mask,, An innocent verdict,, Star tidal writersand Moon -Tajid scrolls. If you bought all those, then Sakura fox And Immaculate Moon It can also be good, depending on your Company team.

Daily searches and tasks

Days in Pixel Kingdoms are similar to those of other strategic gacs via cellphone, as you basically click on each menu/mode available. Here’s a short list of the most essential things you need to do every day:

  • A statement Offline bonuses
  • Clear Adventure stages How much can you
  • Fast combat at the end of the day (Free + gems)
  • Buy everything Shops
  • Require everything Bonuses
  • An astral tree Updates and crops
  • Fight in the Arena How much can you
  • To empty others Star Isle Fashions
  • Complete all events you can
  • To participate Guild activities

As a hero -top jobs and which heroes forages

Star up is the main heroic scale mechanic in realms of pixel. To do it, you will need duplicates of the hero you want to star as well as fodder heroes. Overall, everything Epic And Legendary 5✦ Heroes In addition to a mystical claw And maybe Sakura blade (If you plan to use her) is fodder.

Also know that it is relatively Safe to protagonist Heroes up to 6✦,, 9✦and 10✦ As then you can use them as a fodder or even use a clock to restore them (10✦ needed). However, do not star in heroes more than 10 ✦ unless you plan to use them, because the next reset point is all the way at 13 ✦, and you will not be able to forage them.

When to use a quick fight

Fast fighting In Pixel Kingdoms allows you to get 2 hours of resources promptly. You get one quick fight for free, and you can buy two more for 50 gems each. You need Buy as many of these as you canespecially in the early game. It is crucial to increase your account level and allows you to empty more adventure stages.

How do good tasks work

Bounty Tasks Allow you to send your heroes on missions and earn additional resources passively. Generally, It is only worth sending purple and orange tasks. You will get a lot of refreshments while playing, so please use then if you don’t get any purple+ tasks.

Bonuses – Free Resources and Currency

There are many bonuses To claim in Pixel Kingdoms, and you must review that menu often. The only bonus section where you can make a mistake is the A moment of justice Promotion that is available if you are a new player. Instead of buying a pear -knight, get the whole Update resources And Call coin You can. The 5-star hero There is also a solid option.

Equipment – how to get it and upgrade it

The main way you get equipment In realms of pixel are by Offline rewards. Don’t buy them from any of the shops,, Especially not with gems. Equip all the best tools, and then hurry the rest and repeat. The actual value of equipment bonuses will become important only after you receive full orange/red sets (the flat statistics are not that important).

Guilds and why you have to join one ASAP

Guilds are quite important in realms of pixel like they Require a limit investment from your end as a member, and you can get Daily Rewards And Currency To spend on the guild shop and get some red-level equipment. Just be sure to stay active and contribute daily.

Wishing pool – how it works and where to get desires

There are three wishing pools. Each pool uses different coins, and they can give you wonderful rewards. The important thing about the first two pools is to wait for the Daily Refreshment and use the Free refreshing (bottom left) until you get 5✦ Hero Shard (Star Pool) or a Meta 5✦ Hero (Moon Pool). Then, you discard all the desires you have.

The meteor pool is always the same, and you have to empty your wishes on that whenever you can. Also, pulling the star pool with the desire X10 costs less For a long time, so don’t use Wish X1.

And that ends our kingdoms of a pixel beginner guide. All that knowledge must help you go from Noob to Pro in as little time as possible and with minimal resources wasted. Also, if you have found this guide helpful and want to learn more about this and other popular gacs, visit the guide category here in PGG.

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