Fortnite update adds ‘human-like’ aim assist for controllers

Fortnite introduced a new humanoid aim assist feature for controllers as part of update v31.20, as noted by ShiinaBR on X. This feature aims to balance the game between controller and mouse keyboard players. It will attempt to mimic real human reaction times, allowing controller players to better track targets while avoiding the crazy tracking capabilities of aim assist.
The developer, Jibb Smart, who was closely involved with this update, provided more insight into X. He explained that the new aim assist will not make shots more difficult but will drastically reduce inhuman tracking capabilities when targets suddenly change directions.
In addition, he said that the purpose of this is not to make the goal of helping stronger or weaker in Fortnite but more realistic. This update is being rolled out mid-season to allow the developers to gauge how players will perform with this feature and how they performed before it to make changes accordingly.
The feedback from the Fortnite community is mixed. Some players are optimistic and believe this will balance the gameplay better, while others are skeptical and compare the change to targeting. Then there is also a group of players who fear the potential risk of goal aids accidentally failing.
Jibb Smart reassures players that the tuning process is ongoing and that feedback is always appreciated. He stated, “You want more help with the controller? We have to figure out what’s unfair (and impossible to balance, oh my), first.”
While the new aim assist feature aims to create a fairer experience, it remains to be seen how well it will be implemented. As more controller players adapt to this change, community feedback will certainly be crucial to how this feature progresses.
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