How to become best friends with a doctor in bitlife

One of the demanding goals of the impossible girl challenge is to make friends with a doctor. This is a confusing goal, as there is no direct way to meet a doctor and then make friends with them. But, after playing the game for hours, I came with a simple solution that will help you find a doctor and make them one of your best friends.
How to find a doctor in Bitlife
The best way to find a doctor in Bitlife is to go to medical school. So, after entry into high school, start using the Study harder Option through your middle and high school to keep the smart status over 90 to accept in the medical school. Along with that, I also recommend going to the library and participate in debates to keep your mind sharp. I recommend using the option at least twice before aging each year.
After high school, it’s time to enter university. During application, seek Nursing,, Scienceor Biology Because these degrees will only help you enter medical school further along the line. Even here, use the study more difficult and age to keep the state. Another important point is that during your university days, you invited many parties and even offer drugs. Just reject those offers and stay clean to increase your chances of finding a doctor.

Finally, when you are out of medical school, repeat the same process to study well to graduate as a doctor. Now, go to the Jobs section and find anyone A young man Or Associated doctors. Voila! You will now be surrounded by numerous doctors in your office. You just need to choose one doctor and make them your best friend.
How to make best friends in bitlife

To make someone your best friend in BitLife, you need to bring the related meter with them 100% or turn it on completely green. For this, you need to spend time, gift, complete them and go out with them to lift the meter. Over time, your statistics will reach 100%, and they will become your best friend in the game.
For more about BitLife, check out how to become Kingpin in Bitlife (merchant work package) or how to profitable casino in Bitlife (expansion package)