How to fuel the Warp Engines in Starstruck Vagabond

What would a great simulator game like Starstruck Vagabond be without challenges? Like running out of fuel in your warp engines. Without fuel, it is impossible to progress. So, if you’re having trouble finding the fuel or scratching your head on how to load it into the engines, this guide has you covered.
How to find fuel in Starstruck Vagabond
There are four different types of fuel you can use to fuel your warp engines in Starstruck Vagabond. Each of them can be found in different places and has its own advantages and disadvantages. So make sure you use the best fuel (and the number of credits you have in your wallet).
Garbage Balls
- Because: This is the cheapest way to refill your ship, being completely free and in high abundance. After all, junk balls can be found floating almost anywhere you look.
- Con: There is a very small amount of fuel in each wreckage ball, so it can take a long time to completely top off the tanks. Also, fuel collected this way contains the highest amount of residue that will clog your fuel tank if you don’t clean it.
Debris balls can be found floating in space while navigating between planets or other points of interest. You can blow away the fuel contained in them by hitting them. It both sounds and looks terrifying, with chunks of gray space debris crashing into the front of your ship at sub-light speeds.
Don’t worry though, as this doesn’t damage your ship—just make sure what you hit is a wrecking ball and not an asteroid, those suckers will put a hole in your hull in no time, because you can gasp!
Crude Fuel Minerals

- Because: This is also free (hooray!). Although they are lower in abundance than junk balls, and you will actually have to land on a planet to pick them up, they do provide more fuel.
- Cons: Although they clog your tanks with less residue than the waste balls, there is still a significant amount of residue for a mineral.
Crude fuel minerals can be found on the surface or contained in friable rocks on the surface of uncivilized planets. You will need to land, explore, find some and transport them back to your cargo lift. Your ship in the early game will be claustrophobically small, so if you’re already carrying a lot of cargo, you may not have the room to bring more stuff on board.
Warp Fuel Cans

- Because: They can sometimes be free, as described above. They have a low residue and will provide a large amount of fuel in one hit.
- Con: Where bought, they are quite expensive.
Warp fuel has been pre-refined and canned for your convenience. They can be found in derelicts floating in space, found on crashed ships on planet surfaces, and bought from traders on civilized planets. They usually cost around 200 credits.
Prime Warp Fuel Cans

- Because: They’ll fill your tank to the brim with one hit and come without any of that pesky residue to spoil the works.
- Cons: The cost. By far, the most expensive way to refuel.
This is the good stuff. The good vintage of warp fuel. You can tell by the fancy star on the can. If they can be found in wreckage and crash sites, then they are very rare. They must be purchased from a merchant on a civilized planet and are usually around 400 credits.
How to remove residue from your warp drive tanks
Remnant is represented by a brown bar inside the green of the warp fuel bar. As the residue builds up, it leaves less room for the real fuel and makes your engine run less efficiently, and can even cause damage requiring repair if left.

To remove the residue, select the red key from your tools, stand in front of the tank you want to clean at the grate on the floor, and hold space to open it. Be warned: once the tank is opened, precious fuel will drain away at an alarming rate. Be sure to hit space again when the residue drops to an acceptable level, preferably none.
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