How to get coins fast in Pillar Chase 2 – Roblox

Pillar Chase 2 is a blast for Roblox players who have been waiting for the remake of Pillar Chase for a very long time. Whether you decide to be a survivor or a monster, you need to earn coins to survive your run. That’s why I’m going to walk you through some of the easiest ways to earn coins fast in Pillar Chase 2.
How to earn coins fast in Roblox Pillar Chase 2
Coins are the main currency of the Roblox Pillar Chase 2 and here are some easy methods by which you can quickly farm this currency:
Complete objectives
As a human, completing objectives as quickly and efficiently as possible is the key to quickly earn coins in Pillar Chase 2. During my gameplay, I was able to earn approx. 30 coins to complete each quest and they were as simple as collecting different items, cleaning the trash, etc. The objectives are mentioned in the upper right corner of your screen.
To speed up this process, I highly suggest buying updates like A runner that costs about 15 coins. This upgrade allows you to run faster so you can quickly complete all available objectives before others.
End the chase
If you are being hunted, stopping the chase can also earn you money. In one run, you might get around 16 coins, but with practice you can win between 50 to 100 coins per round. Again, Runner is one of the best choices when it comes to the upgrades as you can easily outrun the monsters in no time and earn the coins quickly.
I also recommend the Danger Vision upgrade because you could see the monster for 6 seconds when someone dies in the game.
It’s no secret that Pillar Chase 2 rewards you with loads of rewards including coins as you level up in the game. However, leveling is a kill-exclusive feature, meaning you’ll only gain XP when you kill or damage players.
Spend Robux

If completing objectives or finishing the chase isn’t for you, your only option is to spend Robux to get coins instantly. For example, you can buy a A pack of 1000 coins for 595 Robux. So, if you have real money to spare, you might consider using this premium coin to get coins in Pillar Chase 2.
What are coins used for in Pillar Chase 2?
Coins are the main currency in Pillar Chase 2, which you can use to buy skins, upgrades for humans, and upgrades for monsters if you’re on the attacking team. As mentioned before, upgrades are much cheaper for humans, usually costing around 20 coins. However, monsters are relatively expensive, ranging from 1000 to 1700 coins.
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