How to get legitimacy in CK3 (Crusader Kings 3)

Legitimacy is a key new mechanic introduced with the Scythe update in Crusader Kings 3. This system helps determine how much respect a ruler commands from his vassals and provides various benefits depending on the level. So, let’s break down what legitimacy is, how you can increase it, and the steps you should take to avoid losing it.
How to Increase Legitimacy in CK3 (Crusader Kings 3)
Gaining legitimacy is essential because it can mean the difference between a stable governance and a chaotic one. So, here are all the key actions that increase your legitimacy in CK3:
- Victorious wars: Every successful war increases your legitimacy, including civil wars. This also boosts the Opinion of your vassals. Best paired with the Martial lifestyle.
- Creating headlines: Creating new titles, such as duchies or kingdoms, will give significant legitimacy.
- Hosting feasts, hunts and pilgrims: Hosting events that improve your ruler’s Popular Opinion is a great way to gain legitimacy. I prefer hosting feasts and pilgrims as they not only provide Legality but also Prestige and Piety respectively.
- Holding court (Royal Court DLC): Regularly holding court helps your vassals improve their Opinion of you, and also provides some Legitimacy.
- Hosting large activities (Tours and Tournaments DLC): Similar to court, participating in grand activities can positively affect your legitimacy. But I generally only do them if I’m sure of winning, because losing at a tournament can be quite detrimental to your character.
- Spread of legends (Legends of the Dead DLC): Spreading legendary stories about your rule improves how your subjects perceive you, also providing large amounts of Legitimacy.
- Freeing valuable prisoners: Letting valuable prisoners go free without demanding a ransom provides Legitimacy. The amount you earn depends on the rank of your prisoner.
While these are all active decisions you must make, your ruler’s base legitimacy level is passively influenced by a variety of factors. These are all factors you need to pay attention to:
- Innate characteristics: Certain traits such as Bastard, Born in the Crimson or Sayyid can affect the initial legitimacy of your ruler.
- Innate characteristics: Positive traits like Beautiful can provide legitimacy, while negative ones like Inbred will reduce it.
- Diplomatic skills: High diplomacy and traits like Just or Diplomat improve your Vassal Opinion and also provide Legitimacy.
- Court Size: If the magnificence of your court matches or exceeds expectations, it gives legitimacy. This is affected by the artifacts of your Court.
- Link to the previous ruler: If the current ruler of your kingdom is closely related to the previous one, legitimacy will be higher (especially if the previous ruler had high legitimacy).
What is legitimacy in CK3?

In Crusader Kings 3, Legitimacy represents a ruler’s standing and how much their subjects respect their claim to the throne. If you are a ruler with high legitimacy, you will have easier to manage your kingdom, make diplomatic decisions and prevent rebellions. Conversely, low legitimacy can lead to unrest, rebellion and general instability within the kingdom.
Legality is ranked on a scale of 0 to 5with the highest level being Appointed Ruler. Each level affects the bonuses or penalties your ruler will receive. Your legitimacy level also scales with your rank, the power of your vassals, and the cultural and dynastic standing of your ruler. For example, if your required Legitimacy is Aspiringyou are at Really Ruler, and you will receive additional bonus benefits. Similarly, if you have to be at That’s right and you are at recognizedyou will receive a penalty for failure.
Counts and dukes need less legitimacy manage their kingdoms than kings and emperors. The era of your ruler also affects how much legitimacy is required, with tribal rulers requiring less than those in the High Medieval period.
All Legitimacy Perks and Penalties in CK3
Here’s a complete breakdown of each Legit tier in CK3, the benefits you get for reaching or surpassing it, and the penalties you face if you fall behind. Aspiring being the required legitimacy:
level | Advantage For Overcoming | Penalty For Non-Achievement |
Aspiring | Short Reign duration -10% | No one |
recognized | Short Reign duration -25% Small Reduction to Claim Casus Belli cost Small Increase to Wedding Reception. |
Short Reign duration + 15% Small Increase to Affirm Casus Belli cost Minor Punishment to Wedding Reception. Minor Punishment to Vassalization Acceptance. |
That’s right | Short Reign duration -50% Popular Opinion +10 Regular Reduction to Claim Casus Belli cost Regular Increase to Wedding Reception. Small Increase in Alliance Acceptance. Small Reduction in Demanding Factions. Slightly Reduced cost to swing the Scales of Power. Slightly Reduced By Law Counties necessary to create a Title. |
Short Reign duration + 35% Popular Opinion -10 -0.10 Monthly Renown Regular Increase to Claim Casus Belli cost Regular Punishment to Wedding Reception. Regular Punishment to Vassalization Acceptance. Small Reduction in Alliance Acceptance. Small Increase in Demanding Factions. Slightly Increased cost to swing the Scales of Power. |
Really | Short Reign duration -65% Popular Opinion +20 +0.25 Monthly Renown Increased Reduction to Claim Casus Belli cost Greater Increase in Wedding Reception. Moderate Increase in Alliance Acceptance. Moderate Increase in Vassalization Acceptance. Moderate Reduction in Demanding Factions. Moderate Reduced cost to swing the Scales of Power. Moderate Reduction in By Law Counties necessary to create a Title. |
Short Reign duration + 65% Popular Opinion -20 -0.20 Monthly Renown Greater Increase to Claim Casus Belli cost Greater Punishment to Wedding Reception. Greater Punishment to Vassalization Acceptance. Moderate Reduction in Alliance Acceptance. Moderate Increase in Demanding Factions. Moderately Increased cost to swing the Scales of Power. |
ordered | Short Reign duration -100% Popular Opinion +30 +0.50 Monthly Renown Large Reduction to Claim Casus Belli cost Massive Increase in Wedding Reception. Massive Increase in Alliance Acceptance. Massive Increase in Vassalization Acceptance. Mass Reduction in Demanding Factions. Massively Reduced cost to swing the Scales of Power. Increased Reduction in By Law Counties necessary to create a Title. |
Short Reign duration +100% Popular Opinion -30 -0.30 Monthly Renown Massive Increase to Affirm Casus Belli cost Mass Punishment to Wedding Reception. Mass Punishment to Vassalization Acceptance. Mass Reduction in Alliance Acceptance. Massive Increase in Demanding Factions. Massively increased cost to swing the Scales of Power. |
How To Maintain Legality In CK3

Now that you know how to get Legitimate, you also need to know how to maintain it. Losing legitimacy can be quite devastating to your rule. Here are some of the actions and events that will cause you to lose legitimacy, and the strategies I follow to avoid them:
- Losing wars: Nothing makes you lose Legitimacy faster than losing a war. Be careful when you pick your battles. I usually don’t get involved unless I’m sure of winning.
- Accepting fractional claims: Giving in to factional demands weakens your Legitimacy, showing that you are unable to maintain control. Instead, try to negotiate or use schemes to weaken the factions.
- Pests and diseases: If a plague reaches your kingdom and you fail to take action, you will lose Vassal Opinion and Legitimacy. Acting decisively, such as quarantining areas or moving your court, can mitigate this.
- Tyranny acts: Taking tyrannical actions, like canceling titles for no reason, will quickly drain your legitimacy. Try to maintain fair and just governance to avoid this.
- Uncovered schemes or harmful secrets: Having a hostile scheme discovered or a secret revealed can negatively affect your legitimacy. Try to keep your secrets well and avoid risky schemes by getting Spymaster with at least 20 and above of Intrigue.
- Excommunication: Being excommunicated by the head of your faith can seriously damage your legitimacy. Try to have a high Opinion with religious leaders, or work to have your excommunication lifted as soon as possible.
The higher your rank, the more legitimacy you will need to maintain, so try to pay attention to your decisions, because it will get a lot. harder to get Legitimacy in the late game.
For more on Crusader Kings 3, check out CK3 Traits Tier List – Crusader Kings 3 in Pro Game Guides.