How to get more Players for your BitLife Casino

To run a profitable Casino in BitLife, you need to attract and bring many gamblers who will be willing to spend thousands of dollars without any worry. Well, how do you do that? Well, there are some tricks like running contests and adding amenities that can increase the frequency of gambling in your Casino.
BitLife Casino Gamblers Guide
First and foremost, there are various types of gamblers in BitLife, such as calculated, adventurous, high rollers and more. Our goal should be to bring many high rollers to the Casino who tend to play more and generate lots of revenue for your Casino. So, what is the best way to bring in gamblers? Well, the best way to bring many gamblers to your BitLife Casino is conduct tournaments/contests. Yes, if you note correctly, there is a unique option under the Casino Activities called Tournaments that allows Casino owners to run a custom tournament at their will.
When setting up a tournament, make sure the buy-in is at least 10% to 20% of the total tournament fee, as it will help you bring in a lot of High Rollers for the competition. For example, if you do a $25,000 prize pool, keep the entry around the $2500 to attract the most players. After the tournament is over, you will get at least one High-Roller who will love your club and become a frequent visitor.

So, with each passing game, you will attract more and more high rollers visit your Casino and make a lot of profit.

See, making high roller type players a part of your Casino is the first step. The second step is to get these gamblers to spend more. For this, you have to encourage them. Click on such players from the list of gamblers and use the Gambling (encourage) an option to make them play more. After selecting this, you will be presented with two options – Game for them and method of encouragement. Now choose the most rigged game in your Casino (the game with the highest house win) and a method of encouragement such as a free massage, food, round or the assurance of an emphasis payment. With such an incentive, the player will play more and lose a lot of money.

Along with encouragement, check your company’s annual report to learn comments left by your players. Use the report and improve your Casino facilities, such as adding bars and exotic dancers or removing boring games that no one likes to play, should be removed.
If you follow all the above tips, over time, you will see many gamblers visiting your Casino and spending a lot of money, increasing your overall income.
For more on BitLife, check out How to Profitably Run a BitLife Casino (Expansion Pack) or All BitLife Casino Games and How to Play Them (Expansion Pack) in Pro Gaming Guides.