How to prevent Pawns from attacking NPCs in Dragon’s Dogma 2

It’s a strange feeling when you see your trusted follower acting strangely and violently, seemingly for no reason. In this guide, we will show you how to prevent Pawns from attacking NPCs in Dragon’s Dogma 2
How to solve Dragon’s Dogma 2 Pawns attacking NPC
The solution that works is to sleep for two days and discard the aggressive Pawn of your crew. Pawns acting aggressively could be associated with bugs, but also one of the Weaknesses, called Dragonplague, which makes Pawns aggressive. Other reasons include Pawns adopting the players’ behavior of killing NPCs for a better frame rate.
How to make Pawns stop attacking NPCs in Dragon’s Dogma 2
The solution to this unusual situation is relatively simple. You just have to sleep for two days and then exchange a Pawn from your squad. That should bring things back to normal. This fix is also compatible with the fix for Dragonplague, which requires you to switch Pawns.
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Why are my Pawns attacking NPCs in Dragon’s Dogma 2?
In the early days of Dragons Dogma 2, players noticed suspicious activity from the Pawns. Namely, the Pawns randomly attacked the NPCs, even those associated with the story and quests. After the main plot in Vermont, there is a quest that includes an NPC named Kendrick. However, after Kendrick appeared, the Pawns attacked him and killed him, effectively locking the progress of the game.
There are several reasons why Pawns kill NPCs everywhere. The first possible reason is an unaddressed bug, which is very likely due to the technical problems the game is facing. Another plausible possibility is a weakening called Dragon plague, which only affects the Peons and makes them act strange and violent. You might even hear from one of the Peons that they come back from other dimensions stronger but less stable.
The most interesting consideration about this instance is that Pawns learn how to behave from their Masters and many players. kill NPCs to increase the frame rate of the game. This is the least likely theory but also very fun to think about.
For more related guides, check out Best places for Portcrystals in Dragon’s Dogma 2 on Pro Game Guides.