How to purify water in an abiotic factor

Like all the best survival games, it’s easy to die of thirst in Abiotic Factor. But it doesn’t have to be, and I’m here to tell you how to avoid it. This is how to purify water in Abiotic Factor.
How to get clean water in Abiotic Factor
To purify water in Abiotic Factor, the first thing you need to do is get your dirty mitts on a cooking pot, preferably several. These can be found in kitchen areas throughout the facility. The more you have, the more water you can clean at once. However, if you want to set up more than two boiling at the same time, you will need more than one portable stove.
You do have a portable oven, right? These can be made at your factory (provided you have the recipe) from coils, keyboards, metal pipes and plastic scrap. All of which are quite abundant in the first area of the office sector.
To collect the stained water, move all the cooking pots to your hot bar and, after locating the water source you want (the easiest source to collect water in the early game is the decorative fountain in the square), approach the water with a pot . in your hands
Fill your pot, or rather pots, with the murky green water and take them back to your portable stove. Add the pots to the stove (make sure it’s plugged into a viable power source) and wait for the magic to happen.

Over time they will transform from pots full of rotting green mulch to a much smaller amount of beautiful blue drinking water.
How to store purified water in Abiotic Factor
Now you will need somewhere to store the purified water. Water coolers are perfect for this because they can be refilled as and when you want. You should always keep several in your base. For a team of six frequent players, my crew uses six water coolers. This is probably an exaggeration, but so far, we have never gone “anhydrous”.
Bonus tip: Always carry a full water bottle – these are easy to make from no scraps of plastic, and a full one will save your life in the wilds of Manufacturing West.
All in all, yes, it is indeed possible to purify water in Abiotic Factor, although it is not immediately obvious how to do it. You can still use tainted water to wash off alien blood and rid yourself of no ill effects. But if you are ever tempted to drink it, be aware that it will make you sick and you will start throwing up.
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