How to rescue the merchant in The Merchant quest – King Arthur Legion IX

Pre-battle preparation may be the key to success in turn-based tactical RPG King Arthur: Legion IX. If you're working through The Merchant quest and having a hard time saving the merchant in the final battle, check out my guide below.
King Arthur Legion IX – Trader Quest Final Battle Walkthrough
The three battles leading up to the final one are relatively simple so when you approach the temple where they hold; the merchant (3) you should still have the Rest Stop (circled on the map above, on the east side of the map) available to you. Make sure you complete all the following steps before using the Rest Stop. I counted them on the map.
- Visit the Continued Protective Sanctuary (in the cemetery). While in the graveyard, note that one of the graves has a glowing sword sticking out of it. If you click it, you will meet Sir Edgar's ghost and he will give you a riddle. The answer to the riddle is Harold and the reward is the sword Dawnbringer. While fun aside, the sword does not appear in your rewards at the end of the quest and its purpose is thus far unclear.
- Visit the Continued Blessed Sanctuary (in the marshes). You can't get to this until after you cross the bridge at the top of the map.
- talk to Wigbert the Ghost (behind the temple, see below).

When you talk to the Ghost, Wigbert, it will ask you for some life force. Allow it to take this from your unit with the highest percentage of health remaining, like it will take 75 percent Vitality. This is worth it because the ghost will then take out three units outside the building, so it's less for you to worry about. you can now visit the Rest Stop and get that Vitality right back. You should be in full health (or close to it) and ready to go. Having high armor is not a factor to worry about in this fight.
Note that the battle with the Knight guarding the chest you reach before the temple is optional. If this makes you underpowered for the merchant battle, remember you can always come back to the knight later, or skip it altogether. It's only one chest and you'll still get full XP for completing the mission.
Maintaining the search team Trader configuration

None of these skill choices are essential to your success, so don't worry if you've set up your team very differently. However, this setup will work perfectly with the battle tactics below:
- Gayo: Strike (with Sinister Blow and Vulnerability) and Jumping Attack (with Long Rush) skills, with Barbed Blade, Strength, and All Resistance. This setup adds extra damage and allows you to cover more distance with a Jump Attack. It's a basic setup but the other characters have the complexity to allow simple and mobile melee DPS to thrive.
- Octavia: Base-level Strike, Shield Bash, and Wall of Blades abilities, plus Strong and Block Aura. This makes him a great tank while Wall of Blades increases his damage nicely.
- Plutonius: Grave Conduit (with Murderous Intent), Unholy Chain (with Lengthy Tethers), and Death Hex abilities, plus Necrosis (with Decay and Impending Doom). This makes him an amazing DPS machine with DOTs as a bonus.
- Albino: Strike, Balance, Fire Birds, and Fire Strikes abilities (all at base level), plus Aura of Protection and Ignition. This gives her maximum DOT power along with quite a bit of survivability.
- Florianus: Since Florianus joins you during this mission, you have no chance to change his abilities.
Saving the Merchant search battle strategy

You are now ready for battle. Walk past where you met Wigbert the ghost and continue around the side of the temple until you reach the ruined temple wall (see above and marks with the arrow on the map above). Use this entrance to start the battle. When you choose your starting positions, place Gayo on the left and Octavia on the right in the first row; place Florianus behind them so he has a clear line of sight.
Send Octavius to the temple doors to engage the Marauder Knight there and use all your DPS firepower (except Plutonius' Unholy Chain if you have it) on the two units towards the back of the temple (where the merchant is). Send Gaius that way to finish off any units still standing. See the image above for what this should look like.

You must save the merchant to win the battle. At this point, a Manhunter will have entered the temple on the far side. This is one of only two ranged units, so it should be your priority, as no other unit should be able to approach the merchant from here. The Manhunter has Poison DOT, so cannot be allowed to beat the merchant. Plutonius (Death Hex) and Florianus (Spear Throw) can take the Handhunter between them.

This allows Joy move along the central corridor of the temple, blocking any chance of melee units arriving at the merchant. With Octavia occupying the units that came through the front door is just a case of sweeping what's left. The image above shows the end of turn two, in which time Albino cast Fire Birds. Just note that there is one Manhunter left out, but Albina's Fire Strikes can handle it easily.
For more help and information on King Arthur: Legion IX here at Pro Game Guides, check out The Colony Walkthrough – King Arthur Legion IX (Map)!