How to unlock the safe in MiSide

You have two chances to unlock the safe in MiSide. The first time is in Chapter 4, the Cellar, and the second is at the end of the game. Both offer different endings for your character and your Mitas.
How to find out the secure code in MiSide
You’ll have to survive to the end of MiSide to find out for yourself. If you look for the answer to this code during Chapter 4, you won’t find it anywhere in the basement. However, if you’re patient, you’ll see Mita open the safe herself in a later chapter, and you can watch her type in the passcode.
However, if you want to get all the endings, you’ll either have to replay through Chapter 4 remembering the code, or you can check the section below to see the spoiler instead.
What is the secure code in MiSide
The code for the safe is 4-9-7-0. While some of the answers to puzzles are random in MiSide, this is not one of those that will change between playthroughs. If you are looking to complete all the achievements in this horror game, you will need to unlock the safe during the Cellar chapter.
Once you find your way into the basement, you’ll encounter the caged Mita that the first Mita is hiding down there. She will tell you about the violence of the first Mita, and you can explore while she talks to you.

Before taking the key, she asks you to approach her and walk to the safe. You’ll learn something pretty dark about what’s going on in the world of Mitas.
Where is the Key in the Basement in MiSide?
Are you looking for the Key in the basement and can’t find it? Mita’s directions aren’t much help. If you stand next to Mita’s cage and look towards the couch, you can find the key to the left of the couch on top of the water heater.

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