Icebreaker confirmed for Destiny 2 return, against all odds

Ice Breaker, an Exotic Sniper from Destiny 1, will be returning to Destiny 2. This surprised many fans, as devs have been saying for years that Icebreaker, among other exotics from Destiny 1, never would. it into the second game.
In a blog post celebrating the game’s 10-year anniversary, Bungie teased that the beloved weapon would be returning.
“Some Exotic Sniper, one considered a myth by many at this point, is making a reappearance in the upcoming Dungeon. We’ll share more information at a later date, but we hope this helped… break the ice,” they said.
Icebreaker was famously OP due to its ability to regenerate ammo, similar to Whisper of the Worm, which saw some significant nerfs to its ammo regeneration in Destiny 2 due to balance issues. However, the game has changed significantly over the last 10 years, so it should be interesting to see how Icebreaker fits into the current state of Destiny and alongside Whisper.
Gjallarhorn was another Exotic that made it into Destiny 2 as an old weapon from the first game, and it came with a few changes, so it’s possible that Icebreaker will also look different from Destiny 1 when it’s later added to Destiny 2.
Since you have to go through a complicated amount of steps to get Gjallarhorn, you’ll probably have to do something similar with Icebreaker. Bungie has mentioned that it will return with Dungeon, but it’s unclear if it’s just a release with the new Dungeon or if we’ll have to complete the Dungeon to get it.
We will keep you updated as more information becomes available. In the meantime, be sure to check out How to Complete the Salvage Edge Raid and The One Fatal Flaw with the Pathfinder System in Pro Game Guides.