List of Age of Empires Mobile Heroes

There are more than 50 different heroes to recruit in Age of Empires Mobile. Each of them has their own strengths and weaknesses, making them great at certain things. However, deciding which heroes are worth investing your resources in can be quite confusing. So, I have compiled this tier list with all the heroes in Age of Empires Mobile to help you make the right choice.
Best Heroes in Age of Empires Mobile Tier List
I divided all the heroes in Age of Empires Mobile into one of four levels, from S-level (being the best) to C-level (being the worst).
Tier | a hero |
S | King Arthur, Attila the Hun, Ashoka, Justinian the Great, Diao Chan, Theodora, Frederick Barbarossa, Constantine the Great, Julius Caesar, Philip IV, Sun Tzu |
A | Cleopatra VII, Darius the Great, King Derrick, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Rani Durgavati, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Miyamoto Musashi, Guan Yu, Harald III, Tariq, Hammurabi, Hannibal |
B | Seojong the Great, Queen Seondeok, Bushra, Tribhuwana, Hua Mulan, Octavian, Cid, Oda Nobunaga, Axel, Joan of Arc, Josephine, Richard I, Yi Seong-Gye, Leonidas I, Yi Sun-Shin, Cui Ruyi , |
C | Li Daoxuan, Baldassi, Kaso, Gatos, Clyde, Leo, Luki, Narses, Thanius, Yuan Xia, Gao Meng, Leon, Wu Wei, Nino |
S-Tier Heroes in Age of Empires Mobile

The heroes in the S tier are the best choices you can get in Age of Empires Mobile. Each of them has extremely overpowered abilities and are great in multiple game modesincluding both PvP and PvE. If you are lucky enough to unlock or recruit any of them, then you should prioritize spending the majority of your XP books and Skill Points on these heroes.
All of these heroes are extremely versatile, and their skills go beyond just their target department and can be used interchangeably according to your requirements. For example, King Arthur excels at PvP combat, but his skills like “Knight’s Glory” which increases Might, Armor and Strategy at 40 for 6 seconds make him great as a support hero as well, ideal for PvE modes.
Here’s a list of all the S-tier heroes in Age of Empire Mobile, and why they add so much value to your civilization:
a hero | Reason |
King Arthur | The best hero for both PvP and PvE thanks to his overpowered abilities. Also great providing support to other commanders, and in rallies. |
Attila the Hun | Probably one of the strongest support units in Age of Empires Mobile. Basically doubles your army’s DPS while lowering the enemy’s armor. Great for any combat scenario. |
Ashoka | Similar to Atila, but provides more sand-oriented support. Extremely strong as a secondary commander. |
Justinian the Great | The best healer in the Age of Empire Mobile. Having him in your army can save thousands of your men from dying in battles. Great especially in PvP combat with prolonged battles. |
God Chan | The best hero for farming and gathering resources. Increases the speed of all resources by almost 90% at max skill. An absolute must for early and late game resource collection. |
Teodora | Overall a strong unit, great for combat, support, and can even help gather resources. Ideally, you should try to use her as a secondary commander to provide your army with a massive stat boost. |
Frederick Barbarossa | A defensive pickup that makes your army twice as hard to kill. When paired with a commander like Justinian or King Arthur, you’ll have an almost invincible army. |
Constantine the Great | Similar to Frederick, but his defensive ability is not as overpowered. However, he makes up for this with his increased attack abilities and resource-gathering bonuses. |
Julius Caesar | Strongest hero for every PvE mode, thanks to his turn-based abilities. Unfortunately, he doesn’t do well in PvP. |
Philip IV | A support-oriented raid hero that can improve the army’s stats almost every 3 seconds, making him unbeatable in long battles. |
Sun Tzu | An extremely strong offensive hero that excels in combat (both PvP and PvE). Ideally, he can dominate any PvP encounter with some support or recovery. |
A-Tier Heroes in Age of Empires Mobile

The A-level heroes in Age of Empires Mobile mostly include everyone else A legendary ranked hero you can recruit from the Tavern. While most of these have overall strong abilities, they fall off quickly as you reach higher castle levels.
You can spend resources on them when you are just starting out as a beginnerbut avoid spending skill points and books on them as you should save them for some higher level hero you might get in the future.
During these heroes don’t provide as much versatility as S-levels, regardless, they are great at their specialty, making them viable options if you want to fill certain roles. For example, Darius the Great has an ability ideal for gathering and farming resources, but he lacks every other combat aspect, making him a great fit for your gathering army, but the last choice for any battle.
B-Tier Heroes in Age of Empires Mobile

The B-level heroes include the generally weaker Legendary-ranked Heroes and some of the strong Epic rankedwhich you can use as a replacement for any missing position in your army. Similar to the A level, these heroes are only good at their special roles but do not do as good a job as those in the upper levels.
You can try to incorporate these heroes in your army as supporting or subordinate commandersbut certainly not as your primary guide. If you are able to get enough character medals to reach them at least Rank two and above, then they can be considered feasible to the level of an A-level hero.
C-Tier Heroes in Age of Empires Mobile

The C-level heroes in Age of Empires Mobile consist of most of the epic heroes that should be yours last resort for everything. Whether it’s farming, PvP, PvE or even support, most of these heroes does not give you a significant advantage even if they specialize in that role.
The only way you can get any value out of these units is as secondary commanders, that too, only if you are capable. rank them up to Rank Three or higher. Although they would be outshined by the weakest Legendary Heroes. Try not to waste any resources on these.
For more on Age of Empire Mobile, check out Age of Empires Mobile Cheats at Pro Game Guides.