How to Become a Flight Attendant in BitLife

Becoming an Air Force One is the easiest way to make a career in the aviation industry, as pilots have to study hard and clear the difficult pilot license test. So, if you want to roam the globe and travel the skies, here is a short guide on how to become a Flight Attendant in Bitlife.
How to get a job as a Flight Attendant in BitLife
Many BitLife players believe that you need a college degree to become a flight attendant. But that’s not the case, and all you need is a high school diploma and high-looking stats to attend interviews. I’ll explain how to get both below.
How to get a high school diploma in BitLife
After the start of life, your parents will automatically enroll you in primary school when you turn 5 years old. After that you will only get older, and you will graduate high school with a diploma around 18 years old. During your school years, you can use the Study Harder option under your School Activity tab to get good scores, but it is not necessary. However, you can do it if you want to be on the safer side and not be rejected from interviews due to poor academic performance.
How to have a high profile in BitLife
As mentioned earlier, in addition to the high school diploma, an essential criterion required to sit for Flight Attendant interviews is the high Look Stat. Typically, anything from 75% to 100% will suffice.
When starting your life, try to get a character with at least 50% Look at stat. Doing this will allow us to increase the prescribed interval by 75% following specific means. So, keep rerolling for such a character, or if you have the God Mode DLC, create such a custom character by increasing the Appearance stats at birth itself.
The next step is to increase and maintain your View statistics above 75%. For that, I recommend joining a gym and changing your diet to a healthy one, like Greek or Mediterranean food. Also, start going to Medical Centers regularly to stay well taken care of. You can start doing this around the age of 15 or when the option is available to you. Continue to follow this routine until you are selected as a Flight Inspector.
How to get the Flight Attendant position in BitLife
The final step is to apply for the Flight Attendant job and be selected. After high school, immediately go to the Full Time Jobs section and search for any job titled – Jr. Flight Attendant. If you see one, ask for it, and they will allow you to sit for an interview if you have met the criteria mentioned above. During the interview, you will be asked about either life or aviation; answer it correctly to pass the interview and get the job. In the event, you cannot find such a post in the list, close the application or register to find a new batch of jobs.
The only downside of the flight attendant job is that it pays very little, and you have to increase your working hours a lot to get more promotions.
For more about BitLife, check out How to become a Roadkill Remover in BitLife or How to become a Professor in BitLife at Pro Game Guides.